Thursday Jan 30, 2025
The Sultan Room
Brooklyn, NY
Friday Jan 31, 2025
Pre and Post Umphrey's McGee show
Port Chester, NY
Friday Feb 1, 2025
Pre and Post Umphrey's McGee show
Port Chester, NY
May 13
October - Nov 2025
Thursday DEC 12, 2024
playing Love, devotion, surrender and more
With Joel Harrison, Gregg Bendian, Neil Alexander
Angel Lau, Olias Bendian, Brian Mooney, and Robbie Mangano
Marlboro, NY
Friday NOV 22, 2024
Brooklyn, NY
Thursday NOV 21, 2024
Cutting Room
New York, NY
Saturday November 16, 2024
Venue TBD
New York City
NOV 9, 2024
Jersey City, NJ
Saturday October 26, 2024
The Falcon Marlboro, NY
Friday Sept 29, 2024
Tom Morello
robbie on bass
filling in for jane's addiction
Evolution Festival
St. Louis, MO
Friday Sept 28, 2024
Tom Morello
robbie on bass
filling in for jane's addiction
South Star Festival
Huntsville, Alabama
Friday Sept 27, 2024
Tom Morello
robbie on bass
Louder Than Life Festival
Louisville, KY
actually this festival got rained out and we played a club called Whirling tige
Wednesday Sept 4, 2024
12,090 A.D.
Mercury Lounge
New York, NY
Wednesday Sept 3, 2024
Furious Bongos with Chad Wackerman
I will guest on a few songs
New York, NY
with PGRA
7/4 Lyndhurst, NJ - Town Hall Park Bandshell
7/5 Hudson Falls, NY - The Strand Theatre
7/6 Cleveland, OH - Beachland Ballroom
7/10 St. Louis, MO - City Winery St. Louis
7/11 Milwaukee, WI - Shank Hall
7/12 Chicago, IL - Martyrs’
7/13 Ft. Wayne, IN - Sweetwater HQ
7/14 Cincinnati, OH - Ludlow Garage
7/16 Pittsburgh, PA - City Winery Pittsburgh
7/17 Asheville, NC - The Grey Eagle
7/19 Nashville, TN – City Winery Nashville
7/20 Charlotte, NC - Visulite Theatre
7/21 Atlanta, GA - City Winery Atlanta
7/23 Lansing, WV - Burrito Bar at Breeze Hill
7/25 Rutherford, NJ - Williams Center for the Arts
7/26 New Haven, CT - Toad’s Place
7/27 Pawtucket, RI - The Met
7/28 Pawling, NY - Daryl’s House
7/30 Montgomery, NY - City Winery Hudson Valley
8/1 Westport, CT - The Westport Library
8/2 Boston, MA - City Winery Boston
8/3 Brattleboro, VT - Stone Church
8/4 Ardmore, PA - Ardmore Music Hall
Friday June 27, 2024
Friends of Bushick Inlet Park Summer Music Series
Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Friday June 22, 2024
ED PALERMO BIG BAND subject to change
The Falcon
Marlboro, NY
Thursday June 20, 2024
Brooklyn Bowl
61 Wythe Street
Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Monday June 17, 2024
Nublu, NYC
Monday May 20, 2024
guest guitarist
Iridium Jazz Club
1650 Broadway, New York, NY 10019
Friday May 10, 2024
12,090 A.D.
Tim Kuhl, Robbie Seahag, David Archer, Ana Copacabana
robbie on synth bass
New York, NY
Friday May 8, 2024
Various rock covers featuring musicians to
raise money to benefit wounded veterans
The Cutting Room
New York, NY
Thursday April 4, 2024
12,090 A.D.
Tim Kuhl, Robbie Seahag, David Archer, Ana CopacabanaMama Tried
Brooklyn, NY
Monday March 25, 2024
Iridium Jazz Club
1650 Broadway, New York, NY 10019
Saturday March 23 (8:30pm)
Triumph Brewing Co.
1 Bridge Ave
Red Bank NJ 07701
March 10, 2024
performing Frank Zappa
at Rockland
Drottning Christinas Väg 9, 73336
Sala, Sweden
March 9, 2024
performing Frank Zappa
at Kulturhuset Studion
Stockholm, Sweden
Friday March 8, 2024
performing Frank Zappa
at Surr Arena (formerly Brewhouse)
Göteborg, Sweden
March 7, 2024
performing Frank Zappa
Zappa Union Festival
at Cosmopolite
Vogts gate 64, 0477 OSLO, Norge
Oslo, Norway
with Mike Miller, Robert Martin, Scott Thunes, Chad Wackerman, and Ray White
Friday Feb 23, 2024
performing Frank Zappa
w/ Ray White, Robert Martin, Chad Wackerman, Scott Thunes, Jamie Kime
The Baked Potato
Studio City, CA
Got To LA The Night before rehearsal and Uber’d to Chads house from LAX to Long Beach. Chad showed me up to the apartment above his studio. Really nice, quiet. I was beat so I crashed pretty quick! Woke up and went for a run before the rest of the band arrived. Also went to Ma and Pa’s little store for a breakfast burrito that was fantastic. Rehearsal time - met up with all the guys and we got right back into it. Really nothing to tidy up too much but just some reminders. Wen’t quick. Painless really. Drummer Josh Freese showed up. I told him how I first saw him perform in like, 1990 with Dweezil Zappa with actually BFU bandmate Scott Thunes on bass. Back then I had no idea who Dweezil Zappa was but the show was utterly amazing. I was psyched watching Scott. He was playing through a Trace Elliot amp and me being mainly a a bassist, I thought….I wanna be like him! Also told Josh I saw him with Devo in like 2008, and that I would’ve been at the Ween Concert for my friend Claude Coleman but I was on tour at the time. We also talked about the Ween dudes, the Quebec album, etc. Josh played “I aint got no heart” with us. Truly a great rock drummer, ya really don’t know a drummer’s style til you play with them, and man it was memorable! After rehearsal I hung out with Chad and his cool wife Kate and we talked for a while in the kitchen while I ate a sandwich and had too many Cadbury egg chocolates! Damn good. Took an uber to Beverly Hills to stay in the hotel with M who was in town for work!
Gig Day 1 - showed up for work at 2pm to load in and soundcheck. Went great. Show went great. Went and got some Tacos and ate em in the backstage. First and second shows went off without a hitch and I was back to the Beverly Hills in no time.
Saturday Feb 24, 2024
performing Frank Zappa
w/ Ray White, Robert Martin, Chad Wackerman, Scott Thunes, Jamie Kime
The Baked Potato
Studio City, CA
Gig Day 2 - Chilled out all day, exercised. Got to the club around 7 and met some friends and fans - this time no Tacos. Drummer from Tool was there for both shows. Nice guy. Loved their 2nd Album. Saw them two times on that tour. Good to see the friendly smiling face on him. Josh played with us on “Aint got no heart” and nailed it in the first set. Felt good Carl Restivo came the second set. Always great to see him. Show was fun! After the show drove back to B Hills.
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
performing Frank Zappa
w/ Ray White, Robert Martin, Chad Wackerman, Scott Thunes, Jamie Kime
The Baked Potato
Studio City, CA
Gig day 3 - Same deal. Got there around 6 this time. Hung out - got some tacos again! Played the first show. Greatness. Talked to Cliff Hines who was going to come to the 2nd show and he said he was outside and I told him to come around the back and I’d meet him. He already had a ticket. He said to me…. “ don’t want to alarm you but I saw Steve Vai in line”. Yes! The rest of the explanation is taken from my instagram post about the shows:
Banned from Utopia LA shows were three fun nights (6 shows) at the legendary @bakedpotatojazzclub - it was great to see and meet old school fans and new school fans.
And at our final show, mfn Steve Vai surprised us all which damn nearly killed me since I think Mr. Vai is kind of the king 👑 of guitar a little bit? maybe just a hair the king? and just as well might be the reason I play guitar? or maybe even how I exist as a musician today? or why I release my own music? Or transcribe? Or practice? At least it’s one reason why there’s so many cool and challenging guitar parts to play in this music and it’s how I first took interest in hearing my fave, Frank Zappa, at all…. Ahhh…There’s too much to thank him for. Luckily i had the wits not to flee the city when I saw him walk into da club, and gathered the common sense to play my ass off instead! Yes, I asked him if he’d like to play my strat and smash it to bits but he politely said he just wanted to be a spectator.
More Highlights: we were on fiya and having a great time, drummer @joshfreese sat in on “I aint got no heart” @dannycarey_tool attended two shows (i was a fan in 1993-94). Candy Zappa, frank’s cool “little sister” came to hear her bro’s music played by her bro’s former bandmembers. Playing alongside these incredible musicians. Seeing old friends and family.
The sick band for these shows was incredible FZ alumni Scott Thunes on Bass/vocals, Robert Martin on Keys/sax/vocals, Ray White on vocals/guitar, Chad Wackerman on drums, with myself on guitar/vocals, and Jamie Kime on guitar. Thanks guys for making great music with me! I’m blessed. See you all in Norway and Sweden next week.
To the dudes who offered to pay me in advance for some of my t-shirts and CD’s: you’ve been had! No just kidding, they’ll be in the mail shortly. Thx! 🙏🏼
Saturday Feb 3 (8pm)
with Gregg Bendian, Neil Alexander, and Brian Mooney
My Father's Place
Took the train this at noonish to get to Sea Cliff where I was picked up by Mario who had an amp for me in the trunk. I had my pedals in a rolly backpack and guitar and on my back. Mario is a cool guy - one of those big music fans, loves to see live music and likes all styles - drove me to Still Partners where Adam Egert who builds amplifiers left me his personal custom amp based on a fender vibrolux i think…. But with one 15 inch speaker in it. I loved the way it wasnt really bright like a twin usually is. We got to the club and set up. Fun to hang out and goof around with Gregg, Inna, Brian and Neil. I enjoy taking trains to gigs. A lot of times it’s a hassle not having a car to bring an amp or even an amp. I have a musicman but it’s at Matthew Friedman’s house in brooklyn…. I keep it there for local gigs and havent used it in 4 years since i had to leave my old abode and put everything in storage. Show went well, we played a new instrumental version of Smile of the Beyond with me playing the lead. Not my idea. This gig is really hard to do. It’s not Megadeth hard, and i dont need to be clean as a bee, but its fast, and i’m not john mclaughlin influenced, although i do enjoy what he’s doing so i do tap into some of his ideas, but technically i am not as fast in my picking so of course i’m not imitating him, just trying to do my own thing but keep the genre in the ballpark. We also played my debut of Meeting of the Spirits - also a tricky piece…. Fun though… a lot like the song birds of fire. Also we played the entire Birds of Fire albums . Tom Curiano came to the gig - who i first met in 2001. That was fun - he’s always a bucket of laughs. He gave me a ride to the train station which was awesome time. Got home real quick on the LIRR. next Maha gig is March 23 in Red Bank! Headed down to Florida now where i will record guitars for another project, and also rehearse for upcoming Banned from Utopia shows in Los Angeles.
Saturday Jan 27, 2024
Private Event, NYC
(First show in 4 years!
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
The Bitter End
147 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10012
*Tickets at door
My favorite gig from the band was this night!very loose and jam-bandish...
Friday January 19, 2024
12,090 A.D.
Main Drag Music
Brooklyn, NY
My favorite gig of this band so far. Saw Karl! been forever.
Sunday January 14, 2024
Michael Leonhart Orchestra (2nd Set)
Rizzolli Bookstore
New York, NY
I played a couple chords and a couple single notes. Musicians were great as always.
January 5, 2024
12,090 A.D. 3 song set only
TV Eye Bowiemas David Bowie Tribute
Ridgewood, Queens, NY
We played first.
February 25, 2023: Ed Palermo Big Band @ The Falcon, Marlboro, NY
February 27, 2023: Ed Palermo Big Band @ Iridium, NYC
March 9, 2023: Mahavishnu Project @ The Falcon, Marlboro NY
March 14, 2023: Kevin Bents Band @ The Bitter End, New York City
March 20, 2023: Ed Palermo Big Band @ The Iridium, NYC
April 11, 2023: 12900 AD @ Union Pool, Brooklyn NY
April 18, 2023: Mahavishnu Project @ City Winery Boston, MA
May 6, 2023: Ed Palermo Big Band @ The Falcon, Marlboro, NY
May 9, 2023: Kevin Bents Situation @ The Bitter End, New York City
Saturday June 17, 2023: Mahavishnu Project @ Gateway City Arts, Holyoke, MA
July 5, 2023: Banned from Utopia @ The Baked Potato, Studio City, CA
July 6, 2023: Banned from Utopia @ The Baked Potato, Studio City, CA
July 16, 2023: Banned from Utopia @ Zappanale Festival, Bad Doberan, Germany
June 24, 2023: Ed Palermo Big Band @ The Falcon, Marlboro, NYFriday
September 1, 2023: Mahavishnu Project @ The Stone Church, Brattleboro, VT
Saturday September 2, 2023: Mahavishnu Project @ The Met Cafe, Pawtucket, RI
Friday June 16, 2023: Mahavishnu Project @ The Newtown Theatre, Newtown PA
Monday September 18, 2023: Ed Palermo Big Band @ Iridium Jazz Club, NYC
Friday October 6, 2023: Mahavishnu Project @ Progstock, Rutherford, NJ
Wednesday October 11, 2023: 12,090 A.D. @ Our Wicked Lady, Brooklyn, NY
Sunday October 15, 2023: Mahavishnu Project @ Daryl's House Club, Pawling, NY
Saturday October 21, 2023: Mahavishnu Project @ Orion Studios, Baltimore, MD
Saturday November 4, 2023: Denis Leary Band / Comics Come Home
@ TD Bank Garden, Boston, MA
Tuesday November 7, 2023: Kevin Bents Situation @ The Bitter End, NYC
Friday November 10, 2023: Mahavishnu Project @ The Strand Theater, Hudson Falls, NY
Saturday November 11, 2023: Denis Leary Band / MJ Fox Foundation @ Cipriani, NYC
Monday November 27, 2023: Ed Palermo Big Band @ Iridium Jazz Club, NYC
Saturday December 2, 2023: Mahavishnu Project @ Montage Music Hall, Rochester, NY - Old school rock club vibe, from 20 years ago. The lite audience was rowdy loud and proud and they made it a great show yelling and head banging. Thanks to fans from buffalo who supplied me with 2 fender blues juniors that actually were loud as a mofo.
Monday December 4, 2023: Mike Dillon's Punkadelic @ Bar Lutanico, Brooklyn - Fun Night played about 10 songs with Mike Dillon, Brian Haas, Brendan Bull, Rene Lopez, Steven Paul.
Thursday December 7, 2023: Mahavishnu Project @ The Falcon, Marlboro, NY - Stu gave me a ride to the train station in Croton.
Thursday December 14, 2023: Mahavishnu Project @ Sellerville Theater, Sellersville, PA - Probably the best gig of the year!
Monday December 18, 2023: Tomiya @ Rockwood Music Hall, New York, NY
December 31, 2023: Ed Palermo Big Band @ The Falcon, Marlboro, NY - The food was extra good. Good to see Jess and Lee. We went to Pizzatown and chowed down.
Sat, JUN 1, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Tipitina's Uptown
Fri, JUN 7, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Egyptian Theatre, Park City, UT
Sat, JUN 8, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Egyptian Theatre, Park City, UT
Sun, JUN 9, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Egyptian Theatre, Park City, UT
Tue, JUN 11, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Triple Door, Seattle, WA
Wed, JUN 12, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Triple Door, Seattle, WA
Fri, JUN 14, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Boulder Theater, Boulder, CO
Sat, JUN 15, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Fort Collins Armory, Fort Collins, CO
Sun, JUN 16, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Crossroads KC, Kansas City, MO
Tue, JUN 18, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: City Winery Atlanta, Atlanta, GA
Wed, JUN 19, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: City Winery, Nashville, TN
Fri, JUN 21, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: The Kessler Theater, Dallas, TX
Sat, JUN 22, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: The 04 Center, Austin, TX
Sun, JUN 23, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: The Heights Theater, Houston, TX
Tue, JUN 25, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: KiMo Theatre, Albuquerque, NM
Wed, JUN 26, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Musical Instrument Museum, Phoenix, AZ
Thu, JUN 27, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: San Diego County Fair, Del Mar, CA
Sun, JUN 30, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Glastonbury Festival, Pilton, United Kingdom
Tue, JUL 2, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Amager Bio, København S, Denmark
Wed, JUL 3, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: John Dee, Oslo, Norway
Fri, JUL 5, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Jardin Public, Saint-Laurent-de-Cognac, France
Sun, JUL 7, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Barrière Enghien Jazz Festival, Enghien Les Bains, France
Thu, JUL 18, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Freight & Salvage Coffeehouse, Berkeley, CA
Fri, JUL 19, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Freight & Salvage Coffeehouse, Berkeley, CA
Sat, JUL 20, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Burton Chace Park, Marina Del Rey, CA
Thu, AUG 15, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Jonathan Edwards Winery, North Stonington, CT
Fri, AUG 16, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: City Winery Boston, Boston, MA
Sat, AUG 17, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Suffolk Theater, Riverhead, NY
Mon, OCT 7, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Asheville Music Hall, Asheville, NC
Wed, OCT 9, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Rams Head Tavern, Annapolis, MD
Fri, OCT 11, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Blue Ocean Music Hall, Salisbury, MA
Sat, OCT 12, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: The Hangar Theatre, Ithaca, NY
Sun, OCT 13, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Infinity Hall Norfolk, Norfolk, CT
Tue, OCT 15, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: New Jersey Performing Arts Center, Newark, NJ
Wed, OCT 16, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: StageOne at FTC, Fairfield, CT
Fri, OCT 18, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Magic Bag, Ferndale, MI
Sat, OCT 19, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Ludlow Garage, Cincinnati, OH
Sun, OCT 20, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Old Town School of Folk Music, Chicago, IL
Tue, OCT 22, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Rialto Square Theatre, Joliet, IL
Wed, OCT 23, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Cedar Cultural Center, Minneapolis, MN
Sun, OCT 27, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Indigo At The O2, Greenwich, United Kingdom
Mon, OCT 28, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: RNCM (Royal Northern College of Music), Manchester, United Kingdom
Wed, OCT 30, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: St George's Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
Thu, OCT 31, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: City Varieties Music Hall, Leeds, United Kingdom
Sat, NOV 2, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Jazznojazz Festival, Zürich, Switzerland
Sun, NOV 3, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Stichting Podium De Vorstin, Hilversum, Netherlands
Tue, NOV 5, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Tavastia Club, Helsinki, Finland
Thu, NOV 7, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Le Zephyr, Hem, France
Sat, NOV 9, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Domicil, Dortmund, Germany
Wed, NOV 13, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Teatro del Giglio, Lucca, Italy
Fri, NOV 15, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Fabrique, Milano, Italy
Sat, NOV 16, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma, Italy
Sun, NOV 17, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Teatro Umberto Giordano, Foggia, Italy
Tue, NOV 19, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Porgy & Bess, Wien, Austria
Wed, NOV 20, 2019 w/Rickie Lee Jones: Konzerthaus Ravensburg, Ravensburg, Germany
August 12, 2017: w/The Mike Dillon Band at The Fennario Music Festival 2017
Hannon's Camp America | College Corner, OH
OCT 07 2016 w/Banned From Utopia Pratteln, Switzerland Z7 Konzertfabrik
OCT 10 2016 w/Banned From Utopia Wrocław, Poland Klub Muzyczny Stary Klasztor
OCT 12 2016 w/Banned From Utopia Duisburg, Germany Grammatikoff
OCT 15 2016 w/Banned From Utopia Southampton, United Kingdom The 1865
OCT 16 2016 w/Banned From Utopia London, United Kingdom The Underworld Camden
OCT 18 2016 w/Banned From Utopia Swansea, United Kingdom The Scene
OCT 20 2016 w/Banned From Utopia Weert, Netherlands De Bosuil
OCT 23 2016 w/Banned From Utopia Marcq En Baroeul, France THEÂTRE CHARCOT
February 28, 2015: The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger at Baby's All Right, Brooklyn, NY, USA. March 20, 2015: The GOASTT at Parque Temático Takilhsukut, Papantla de Olarte, Mexico. April 10, 2015: The GOASTT at Coachella Festival 2015, Empire Polo Club, Indio, CA
April 17, 2015: The GOASTT at Coachella Festival 2015, Empire Polo Club, Indio, CA
May 8, 2015: The GOASTT at Canadian Music Week 2015, Horseshoe Tavern, Toronto, ON, Canada.
May 10, 2015: The GOASTT at Levitation 2015, Carson Creek Ranch, Austin, TX
May 16, 2015: The GOASTT at Mud Island Amphitheater, Memphis, TN
May 19, 2015: The GOASTT at North Charleston Performing Arts Center, North Charleston, SC, USA. May 20, 2015: The GOASTT at nTelos Wireless Pavilion, Charlottesville, VA
May 23, 2015: The GOASTT at Sound City 2015, Bramley-Moore Docks, Liverpool, England. May 26, 2015: The GOASTT at Oslo, London, England.
May 29, 2015: The GOASTT at Le Week-end des Curiosités 2015, Le Bikini, Ramonville-Saint-Agne, France.
May 30, 2015: The GOASTT at Primavera Sound 2015, Parc del Fòrum, Barcelona, Spain.
May 31, 2015: The GOASTT at Parc de Sant Martí, Barcelona, Spain.
June 21, 2015: The GOASTT at Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
July 15, 2015: The GOASTT at Brooklyn Bowl, Brooklyn, NY, USA.
July 23, 2015: The GOASTT at Festival Pier at Penn's Landing, Philadelphia, PA
July 24, 2015: The GOASTT at The Stone Pony Summer Stage, Asbury Park, NJ
July 25, 2015: The GOASTT at Blue Hills Bank Pavilion, Boston, MA, USA.
July 27, 2015: The GOASTT at Thompson's Point, Portland, ME, USA.
July 28, 2015: The GOASTT at Mountain Park, Holyoke, MA, USA.
July 30, 2015: The GOASTT at Pier 97, Hudson River Park, New York, NY,
July 31, 2015: The GOASTT at Brewery Ommegang, Cooperstown, NY,
August 1, 2015: The GOASTT at Lifestyle Communities Pavilion, Columbus, OH
August 2, 2015: The GOASTT at Freedom Hill Amphitheatre, Sterling Heights, MI
August 4, 2015: The GOASTT at Rose Music Center at The Heights, Huber Heights, OH
August 7, 2015: The GOASTT at SumTur Amphitheater, Papillion, NE, USA.
OCT 19 2015 w/Banned From Utopia Duisburg, Germany Grammatikoff
OCT 21 2015 w/Banned From Utopia Copenhagen, Denmark Amager Bio
OCT 25 2015 w/Banned From Utopia Eindhoven, Netherlands De Effenaar, Kleine Zaal
OCT 28 2015 w/Banned From Utopia Zoetermeer, Netherlands De Boerderij
NOV 02 2015 w/Banned From Utopia Manchester, United Kingdom Band On The Wall
NOV 03 2015 w/Banned From Utopia London, United Kingdom Jazz Cafe
NOV 04 2015 w/Banned From Utopia Southampton, United Kingdom Brook
NOV 05 2015 w/Banned From Utopia Derby, United Kingdom The Flowerpot
NOV 07 2015 w/Banned From Utopia Leuven, Belgium Het Depot
NOV 08 2015 w/Banned From Utopia Cleon, France LA TRAVERSE
NOV 11 2015 w/Banned From Utopia Stuttgart, Germany Theaterhaus
NOV 13 2015 w/Banned From Utopia Schaffhausen, Switzerland Kammgarn
NOV 16 2015 w/Banned From Utopia Aschaffenburg, Germany Colos-Saal
NOV 17 2015 w/Banned From Utopia Torgau, Germany KAP Torgau e.V.
March 14, 2014: The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger at SXSW 2014, Hotel Vegas, Austin, TX, USA
March 14, 2014: The GOASTT at SXSW 2014, Palm Door on Sixth, Austin, TX, USA
March 15, 2014: The GOASTT at SXSW 2014, The Parish, Austin, TX, USA
May 5, 2014: The GOASTT at U Street Music Hall, Washington, DC, USA
May 7, 2014: The GOASTT at Terminal West, Atlanta, GA, USA
May 8, 2014: The GOASTT at One Eyed Jacks, New Orleans, LA, USA
May 9, 2014: The GOASTT at Club Dada, Dallas, TX, USA
May 12, 2014: The GOASTT at KUTX 98.9, Austin, TX, USA
May 14, 2014: The GOASTT at Club Congress, Tucson, AZ, USA
May 15, 2014: The GOASTT at Crescent Ballroom, Phoenix, AZ, USA
May 16, 2014: The GOASTT at The Casbah, San Diego, CA, USA
May 17, 2014: The GOASTT at El Rey Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, USA
May 20, 2014: The GOASTT at Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, CA, USA
May 24, 2014: The GOASTT at Mississippi Studios, Portland, OR, USA
May 28, 2014: The GOASTT at The Waiting Room Lounge, Omaha, NE, USA
May 30, 2014: The GOASTT at 7th Street Entry, Minneapolis, MN, USA
May 31, 2014: The GOASTT at High Noon Saloon, Madison, WI, USA
June 1, 2014: The GOASTT at Lincoln Hall, Chicago, IL, USA
June 3, 2014: The GOASTT at The Hoxton, Toronto, ON, Canada
June 5, 2014: The GOASTT at Bowery Ballroom, New York, NY, USA
June 6, 2014: The GOASTT at Johnny Brenda's, Philadelphia, PA, USA
June 7, 2014: The GOASTT at Brighton Music Hall, Boston, MA, USA
June 8, 2014: The GOASTT at Mountain Jam 2014, Hunter Mountain, Hunter, NY, USA
June 19, 2014: The GOASTT at State Theatre, Cleveland, OH, USA
June 20, 2014: The GOASTT at Lifestyle Communities Pavilion, Columbus, OH, USA
June 21, 2014: The GOASTT at Zanzabar, Louisville, KY, USA
June 24, 2014: The GOASTT at MASS MoCA, North Adams, MA, USA
June 25, 2014: The GOASTT at Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier, Montreal, QC, Canada
June 27, 2014: The GOASTT at Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, ON, Canada
June 28, 2014: The GOASTT at Fox Theatre, Detroit, MI, USA
July 24, 2014: The GOASTT at Merriweather Post Pavilion, Columbia, MD, USA.
July 25, 2014: The GOASTT at Ottobar, Baltimore, MD, USA.
July 26, 2014: The GOASTT at Providence Performing Arts Center, Providence, RI, USA.
August 21, 2014: The GOASTT at For Noise Festival 2014, Pully For Noise, Pully, Switzerland.
August 23, 2014: The GOASTT at Rock en Seine 2014, Domaine national de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, France.
August 25, 2014: The GOASTT at Paradiso Noord - Tolhuistuin Concertzaal, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
August 28, 2014: The GOASTT at Zürich Openair 2014, Glattbrug, Rümlang, Switzerland.
August 30, 2014: The GOASTT at End of the Road 2014, Larmer Tree Gardens, Salisbury, England.
September 1, 2014: The GOASTT at Hare and Hounds, Birmingham, England.
September 9, 2014: The GOASTT at The Kazimier, Liverpool, England.
September 11, 2014: The GOASTT at Le Zénith, Paris, France.
September 12, 2014: The GOASTT at Rotown, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
September 13, 2014: The GOASTT at Trix Zaal, Borgerhout, Belgium.
September 17, 2014: The GOASTT at La Maroquinerie, Paris, France.
September 20, 2014: The GOASTT at Le Chabada, Angers, France.
October 11, 2014: The GOASTT at Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez, Mexico City, Mexico.
October 30, 2014: The GOASTT at NAGOYA Blue Note, Nagoya, Japan.
September 30, 2013: The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger at Agganis Arena, Boston, MA, USA
October 1, 2013: The GOASTT at Terminal 5, New York, NY, USA
October 2, 2013: The GOASTT at Terminal 5, New York, NY, USA
October 3, 2013: The GOASTT at Festival Pier at Penn's Landing, Philadelphia, PA, USA
October 4, 2013: The GOASTT at Merriweather Post Pavilion, Columbia, MD, USA
Denny Walley on Lead Vocals and Lead Guitar, Bossman
Robbie Seahag Mangano on Guitar and Vocals
Adm Mnkff on Bass and Vocals
Keith Morris Abrams - drums
Brad Whiteley on keyboard
Rich Rakowski on Sax
March 28, 2010 - Paper Cat at the Cake Shop in the East Village, NYC.
"My instrumental band, PAPER CAT, has a New York debut show booked on March 28th at the Cake Shop in the East Village, NYC. We also have a show booked at the Khyber in Philadelphia, PA on May 21st. Eric Slick joined the Philly group Dr. Dog in December and they are heavily touring right now. We're going about our Paper Cat work between our collective outside touring schedules. Julie Slick is recording her killer sounding solo album and I'm contributing to that as well."
May 21, 2010, Paper Cat at the Khyber in Philadelphia, PA
Mar 14, 2008: The Sound of Urchin at SXSW, Blind Pig Pub, Austin, Texas
Jul 25, 2008: The Sound of Urchin w/ Tragedy - Metal Trib. to The Bee Gees at Music Hall of Williamsburg, New York, New York
Nov 01, 2008: The Sound of Urchin at The Fire, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Nov 14, 2008: The Sound of Urchin at Ravari Room, Columbus, Ohio
Jul 13, 2007: The Sound of Urchin / Crescent Moon at Ravari Room, Columbus, Ohio
Sep 27, 2007: The Sound of Urchin / The Dad of Rock at Beachland Ballroom & Tavern, Cleveland, Ohio
Oct 07, 2007: The Sound of Urchin / Warning: Danger! / The Sacred Truths at Funhouse, Seattle, Washington
Oct 23, 2007: The Sound of Urchin at The Masquerade, Atlanta, Georgia
Oct 25, 2007: The Sound of Urchin at Ravari Room, Columbus, Ohio
Oct 29, 2007: The Sound of Urchin / Clawjob / The Blue Pages / School for Robots at The Middle East - Upstairs, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Nov 03, 2005: The Moistboyz / The Sound of Urchin at The Crocodile Cafe, Seattle, Washington
Dec 10, 2005: The Sound of Urchin / The Low Budgets at Knitting Factory Brooklyn, New York, New York
Jan 19, 2006: Esme / Insidious Rays / The Sound of Urchin at Music Hall of Williamsburg, New York, New York
Jun 15, 2006: The Sound of Urchin at Winston's Beach Club, San Diego, California
Jun 16, 2006: The Sound of Urchin / Crescent Moon at The Satellite, Los Angeles, California
February 15, 2006 - WRONG at Knitting Factory - NYC - with The Insidious Rays and Uncle Dirty/JaguarMC/DJ Buttons
March 11, 2006 - WRONG at John and Peter's - New Hope, PA - flyer
March 18, 2006 - WRONG at The Knitting Factory - NYC - InspectorJimb's Rocking Bday Jam - flyer
April 18, 2006 - WRONG live on WBAI - Rock em Sock em Radio with Vick the Bruiser
Friday May 26, 2006 - 11pm - WRONG at The Knitting Factory (old office) - NYC
Jun 20, 2006: The Sound of Urchin / Crescent Moon at Dante's, Portland, Oregon
Jun 21, 2006: The Sound of Urchin / Crescent Moon at El Corazon, Seattle, Washington
Jun 22, 2006: The Sound of Urchin at Neurolux, Boise, Idaho
Jun 25, 2006: The Sound of Urchin at Replay Lounge, Lawrence, Kansas
Jun 26, 2006: The Sound of Urchin at Turf Club, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Jun 28, 2006: The Sound of Urchin at The Abbey, Chicago, Illinois
Jun 29, 2006: The Sound of Urchin at Mac's Bar, Lansing, Michigan
Jul 02, 2006: The Sound of Urchin at Nectar's, Burlington, Vermont
Aug 11, 2006: The Pietasters / "Rocks Off Concert Cruise" / The Sound of Urchin at Jewel/ Paddlewheel Queen / Temptress Cruise Ship, New York, New York
Jan 18th, 2005 - OLD RUGGED SAUCE - at Lakeside Lounge, NYC, 9pm...
Happy Hour at 7pm, 162 Avenue B.
January 20, 2005 - w/Sound of Urchin at Nectars, Burlington VT
JAN 27, 2005, WRONG at Nightingales in NYC - The sound in this spot has improved dramatically since it was refurbished. w/ Team Spider and Instant Death!!!
January 28, 2005 - w/AMANDLA (drummer of Ween, Claude Coleman's Solo Project)
www.tribecarockclub.com - 16 Warren Street, NYC
JAN 29, 2005, The WRONG at the Funhouse in Bethlehem, PA - Officially billed as "The Wrong" since Old Skool Cack will be absent, thus forcing us to temporarily modify our name. Bliggy Boney Steve will be sitting in on the skins. Join us at this hallowed hangout steeped in the IRays vibe. w/ Dr. LongGhost, Rumplestiltskinz, and guests
WED - 2.09 2005 w/Sound of Urchin - Portland, OR * - Doug Fir Lounge
THUR - 2.10 2005 w/Sound of Urchin - Seattle, WA * - The Rainbow
FRI - 2.11 2005 w/Sound of Urchin - Humboldt, CA * - Mazzotti's
SAT - 2.12 2005 w/Sound of Urchin - Sacramento, CA * - Capitol Garage
SUN - 2.13 2005 w/Sound of Urchin - San Francisco, CA - The Hotel Utah Saloon
WED - 2.16 2005 w/Sound of Urchin - Hermosa Beach, CA ** - Patrick Molloy's (Semi-Acoustic Urchin show. FREE SHOW!!)
THURS - 2.17 2005 w/Sound of Urchin - Hungtington Beach, CA ** - Fitzgeralds
FRI - 2.18 2005 w/Sound of Urchin - San Diego, CA ** - Canes (SPECIAL LATE SHOW - call for details)
SAT - 2.19 2005 w/Sound of Urchin - Lake Forest, CA ** - Gypsy Lounge
SUN - 2.20 2005 w/Sound of Urchin - Long Beach, CA ** - DiPiazza's (ALL AGES)
MON - 2.21 2005 w/Sound of Urchin - Downey, CA - Anarchy Library
SUN - 2.22 2005 w/Sound of Urchin - Tempe, AZ - The Big Fish Pub
* - co-headlining w/ The Ziggens (Skunk Records legends)
** - co-headlining w/ Bargain Music (Our West Coast brothers)
^ - co-headlining w/ Signal To Noise (Former Trik Turner members)
...the rest are Urchin-only shows.
Mar 19, 2005: The Sound of Urchin at Knitting Factory Brooklyn, New York, New York
Apr 29, 2005: The Sound of Urchin / Primitive Soul at Nectar's, Burlington, Vermont
May 11, 2005: The Sound of Urchin / MC Vagina at Webster Underground, Hartford, CT
May 22, 2005: Slightly Stoopid / The Sound of Urchin / Fishbone at 9:30 Club, Washington, D.C.
May 24, 2005: The Sound of Urchin at Trocadero Theatre, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
May 25, 2005: The Sound of Urchin at Irving Plaza, New York, New York
Jun 02, 2005: Phunk Junkeez / The Sound of Urchin at Bluebird Theater, Denver, Colorado
August 13, 2005 - WRONG at Which Brew - Easton, PA
August 20, 2005- WRONG at 169 Bar - NYC
August 30, 2005 - WRONG at Whiskey Bar - Hoboken, NJ
Oct 09, 2005: The Sound of Urchin at First Avenue and 7th St Entry - 7th St Entry Room, Minneapolis, MN
Oct 28, 2005: The Sound of Urchin at The Masquerade, Auburn, Georgia
Oct 31, 2005: The Sound of Urchin at Nectar's, Burlington, VT
November 2, 2005 - WRONG Duo (Robbie Seahag & Dan the Hotch) - WRONG at Knitting Factory - NYC - with Scott Metzger's Metzgerville
December 8, 2005 - WRONG at Knitting Factory - NYC
March 31, 2004 - WRONG at NYC
Fri. April 9th 2004 - w/Sound of Urchin, Insidious Rays, Instant Death at Siberia, NYC
Fri. April 30th, 2004, 8pm: WRONG at HOGS AND HEFFERS Uptown- New York City
Jun 05, 2004: Dick Dale / The Sound of Urchin at B.B. King Blues Club, New York
June 9 2004 - WRONG at Suite 16, NYC
June 23, 2004 - WRONG - at Suite 16, NYC
July 16, 2004 - WRONG at Stinger Club - Brooklyn, NY - with The Insidious Rays and Esme Montgomery
August 27, 2004 - WRONG at Stinger Club - Brooklyn, NY - with The Insidious Rays, Esme Montgomery and P.I.C.
Tue. Sept. 21st, 2004, 9pm: P.I.C. & WRONG @ RARE, 416 W 14th St., New York City
Saturday, October 16th, 2004 w/Chris Harford at the Lakeside Lounge, NYC
Oct 24, 2004 - WRONG & Team Spider! at NIGHTINGALE'S,
October 3, 2003 - The Funhouse - Bethlehem, PA - with The Insidious Rays, bitch
Feb 2, 2002 - at Collective Unconcious, East Village, NYC
playing with the Old Rugged Sauce.
So Paulie calls me up and says on my answering machine "Hey rubberneck, you home? Listen, I must have been really drunk because I don't remember this, but somehow I said I'd do this gig on saturday and it's free booze and cab-fare. Give me a call back and let me know if you can bail me out of this." So I call him and he tells me it's a benefit for the Collective Unconcious (which is an art/performance/theatre space in old Ludlow East Village section...you see, their rent is getting hard to pay and we were gonna help). I agree to do it. Dave Dreiwitz from Ween/Instant Death is gonna play bass for us, and we need a drummer. So i call pacalolo. Jonny Pacalolo agrees. We have a band. Later that night, I arrive with L. Eggplant and start hanging with dave and his friend monica and start a little boozing. Paulie shows up, there's a rock band upstairs that sounds like they're playing their first gig, and they were older than me, so more power to them (they were good at playing this way). Next thing we know, about 30 minutes of hanging out, we go upstairs and start setting up....hardly a set up, since Pacalolo brings a snare and a cymbal and he's done. Then our host introduces to us, a bottle of Jim Beam. That is when we feel the party, and we look into the audience and see various wierdos with bottles they bought from the liquor store or beer deli. And Led Zeppelin is playing and it feels like were the 5th band at CBGB's. But wait, we play jazz standards, loungey stuff, you know, Tom Jones shit. It was fun. We did a cover of an Instant Death song (dave's band) called "Hammer to the Skull", and we also covered for the first time ever playing it together, that George Harrison song, "Savoy Truffle", and did a cover of "Shine on You Crazy Diamond" by Pink Floyd. Somehow when paulie was restringing his guitar after breaking a string, a girl started to hoolahoop, and somehow, we played circus music and hava negila (spelling please, jewish friends?). Over all this, and after an hour of playing, I was drunk and feeling really good about the Sauce. Paulie said that we didn't play good, but I couldn't tell and the people couldn't. But L. Eggplant wasn't drinking and she said paulie was wrong. It was a great gig. Worthy of going back in time and doing it again about 30 times.
02/12/2002 - w/Project Object Albany, NY - sp. guest ED MANN percussion
02/13/2002 - w/Project Object Winooski, VT special guest JON FISHMAN (phish)
02/20/2002 - w/Project Object Cincinnati, OH - sp. guest CHUCK GARVEY (moe.)
03/13/2002 - w/Project Object San Juan Capistrano, CA - MIKE KENEALLY guitar
03/13/2002 - w/Project Object San Juan Capistrano, CA - DON PRESTON + BUNK GARDNER keys + sax
03/14/2002 - w/Project Object Los Angeles, CA - DON PRESTON + BUNK GARDNER keys + sax
03/24/2002 - w/Project Object Tivoli, NY - ED MANN percussion
April 4th, 2002: Old Rugged Sauce at Right Bank Cafe @ 11:00 PM
April 11th, 2002: Old Rugged Sauce at Right Bank Cafe @ 11:00 PM
April 12th, 2002: Dark Sweet Cherries at Columbia Univ. 6:00 PM
April 13th, 2002: Dark Sweet Cherries at Sidewalk Cafe
April 14th, 2002: Old Rugged Sauce at The Pourhouse @ 6:00 PM
April 17th, 2002: Dark Sweet Cherries at Lakeside Lounge @ 9:00 PM
April 18th, 2002: Old Rugged Sauce at Right Bank Cafe @ 11:00 PM
April 20th, 2002: Seahag guest guitarist with Insidious Rays
at The Funhouse, Bethlehem, PA
April 25th, 2002:
Old Rugged Sauce at Right Bank Cafe @ 11:00 PM
Old Rugged Sauce at The Pourhouse @ 6:00 PM
April 29th, 2002: Esme TV SHOW appearance
April 30th, 2002: Dark Sweet Cherries at Kenny's Catastrophes @ 9:00 PM
May 2nd, 2002 - Old Rugged Sauce at Right Bank Cafe @ 11pm
May 9th, 2002 - Old Rugged Sauce at Right Bank Cafe @ 11pm
May 11th, 2002 - Dark Sweet Cherries at Sidewalk Cafe
May 12th, 2002 - Old Rugged Sauce at The Pourhouse @ 6pm
May 15th, 2002 - Old Rugged Sauce at Right Bank Cafe @ 11pm
May 17th, 2002 - Outside Esme Gig in LES, NYC
Last minute as Country Bassist at Hank's Saloon, Brooklyn 9pm for Sean Cershaw
May 21st, 2002 - Readymaker at Tribeca Blues
May 23rd, 2002 - Old Rugged Sauce at Right Bank Cafe @ 11pm
May 25th, 2002 - Old Rugged Sauce at a WEDDING in Maine
May 29th, 2002 - Old Rugged Sauce at Right Bank Cafe @ 11pm
June 5th, 2002 - ESME 9pm ARLENE'S GROCERY, NYC
June 6th, 2002 - Readymaker at 10pm SIBERIA, NYC
June 7th, 2002 - ESME Orphan Annie's Sterling, NJ
June 11th, 2002 - READYMAKER
June 14th, 2002 - Insidious Rays @ The Funhouse, Bethlehem, PA
June 19th, 2002 - P/O THE CATALIST, SANTA CRUZ, CA
June 20th, 2002 - P/O TAHOE, CA TBA
June 22nd, 2002 - P/O Eureka Theatre EUREKA, CA
June 23rd, 2002 - P/O Mystic Theatre PETALUMA, CA
June 27th, 2002 - READYMAKER At Siberia, NYC 40th & 9th Ave.
June 28th, 2002 - Smoggy Borough Boys The Sanctuary, East Village, NYC
July 4th-7th: Seahag Campfire Concerts - Blue Heron Festival, Panama, NY
July 10, 2002: Project/Object - Joyous Lake, Woodstock, NY
July 11, 2002: Project/Object - Area 22, Newport, RI
July 12, 2002: Project/Object - The Conduit, Trenton, NJ
July 13, 2002: Project/Object - Moe. or Les Festival - 12:30 Slot
July 16, 2002: Project/Object - Cat’s Cradle, Carrboro, NC
July 17, 2002: Project/Object - Stella Blue, Asheville NC
July 18, 2002: Project/Object - Visualite Theatre, Charlotte, NC
July 19, 2002: Project/Object - Georgia Theatre, Athens Georgia
July 20, 2002: Project/Object at the Variety Playhouse, Atlanta Georgia
July 24, 2002: Leave for Germany
July 25, 2002: Beginning Festival Events in Bad Doberman, Germany
July 26, 2002: Bass with Thana Harris featuring Thana Harris, Bob Harris, Mike Keneally, Don Preston, and Glenn Leonard at Zappanale Festival
Same night: Guitar with Project/Object with Andre Cholmondeley, Jordan Shapiro, Ike Willis, Napoleon Murphy Brock, Dave Johnsen, Wes Paich, and Mumbo.
July 27, 2002: The Ed Palermo Big Band in Bad Doberan, Germany
July 28, 2002: End of Festival Events
July 29, 2002: Leave Germany
July 30, 2002: Come Home
August 8, 2002
Zappanale Fest, Bad Doberan, Germany
Hey I'm back from a shit load of July events. The Project Object tour with Ike Willis down to the South was a great success and a lot of fun. Denny Walley was stellar on the slide guitar and it was a blast to see him. Germany was 100 times better than i could've ever imagined. The kindness of the people in Bad Doberan where we stayed and played was so wonderful and the FZ fans that showed up really made it special for me. I had the best time playing with P/O with Ike Willis, Mike Keneally, Napoleon Murphy Brock, and Ed Palermo as special guests. I also had a beautiful time rehearsing with Don Preston, Thana Harris, Bob Harris, and Glen Leonard at the Moorbad hotel before the show and at the gig afterwards. The Arf Society Members that took care of all the things we needed in Bad Doberan were extremely helpful and cool. I especially want to thank Bernt for all his help and the boys from Ossi Duri for teaching me how to speak dirty italian language backstage. And it was a blast hanging out with Mike Kenneally after our gig on Friday night and the next day when we hung out in our hotel room passing the guitar around. On Sunday I got to talk to one of my all time favorite music persons, Mr. Roy Estrada. I think that dude is so cool and funny! And i got to tell him why it was such a pleasure to meet him and he took it very awesomely. The trip to Deutchland was a dream come true for me, a superduper zappa fan. I met so many wonderful people and had such a positive time there. To check out the Seahag CD click here. To order the 1999 Great Atomic Power CD visit the Downtown Music Gallery Store, they have it in stock.
In the meantime I have some gigs with Readymaker and P/O has another national tour coming up starting on September 18th.
Tue Sept 17, 2002 - w/Project Object Iron Horse Music Hall - Northampton, MA w/ Ed Mann!
Wed Sept 18, 2002 - w/Project Object B.B. King's NYC - New York, NY w/ Ed Mann, Ed Palermo
Thu Sept 19, 2002 - w/Project Object Higher Ground - Winooski, VT w/ Ed Mann!
Fri Sept 20, 2002 - w/Project Object Middle East - Cambridge/Boston, MA w/ Ed Mann!
Sat Sept 21, 2002 - w/Project Object Theater of Living Arts (TLA) - Philadelphia, PA
Sun Sept 22/Mon 23, 2002 - w/Project Object Club Café - Pittsburgh, PA
Wed Sept 25, 2002 - w/Project Object Barrel House - Cincinnati, OH
Thu Sept 26, 2002 - w/Project Object The Patio - Indianapolis, IN
Fri Sept 27, 2002 - w/Project Object Shank Hall - Milwaukee, WI
Sat Sept 28, 2002 - w/Project Object Martyrs - Chicago, IL
Mon Sept 30, 2002 - w/Project Object Quixote's - Denver, CO w/Thana & Bob Harris!
Tue Oct 1, 2002 - w/Project Object Quixote's - Denver, CO w/Thana & Bob Harris!
Fri October 4, 2002 w/ Project Object - The Rainbow - Seattle, WA
Sat October 5, 2002 w/ Project Object - Portland, OR
Sun October 6, 2002 w/ Project Object - W.O.W Hall - Eugene, OR
Tues October 8, 2002 w/ Project Object - G. A. M. H. - San Francisco, CA w/ Ray White!
Wed October 9, 2002 w/ Project Object - The Coach House - San Juan Capistrano, CA
Thu October 10, 2002 w/ Project Object - Knitting Factory - Los Angeles, CA w/ Candy Zappa, & Arthur Barrow!
Fri October 11, 2002 w/ Project Object - Santa Cruz, CA w/ LES CLAYPOOL(w/Fish[Fishbone] drms! + MIRV
Sat October 12, 2002 w/ Project Object - Victor's On The Bay - San Diego, CA
Tue October 15, 2002 w/ Project Object - 32 Bleu - Colorado Springs, CO
Wed October 16, 2002 w/ Project Object - Sherpa & Yeti's - Breckenridge, CO
Thu October 17, 2002 w/ Project Object - Linden's - Ft. Collins, CO
Fri October 18, 2002 w/ Project Object - Denver - checkin' out the Les Claypool show
Sat October 19, 2002 w/ Project Object - Fox Theater - Boulder, CO
Mon October 21, 2002 w/ Project Object - Grand Emporium - Kansas City, MO
Tue October 22, 2002 w/ Project Object - Cicero's - University City, MO
Wed October 23, 2002 w/ Project Object - High Dive - Champaign, IL
Thu October 24, 2002 w/ Project Object - Beachland Ballroom - Cleveland, OH
Fri October 25, 2002 w/ Project Object - NO NAPOLEON M BROCK Docksider Tavern - Erie, PA
Sat October 26, 2002 w/ Project Object - NO NAPOLEON M BROCK - Rochester, NY - Water St Music Hall
Mon October 28, 2002 w/ Project Object - Northern Lights - Clifton Pk, NY
Tue October 29, 2002 w/ Project Object - Asylum - Portland, ME - 121 Center Street
Thu October 31, 2002 w/ Project Object - Halloween - Lion's Den - NYC - 214 Sullivan St
Fri November 1, 2002 w/ Project Object - The Saint - Asbury Park, NJ - 601 Main St
Sat November 2, 2002 w/ Project Object - Recher Theatre - Towson, MD - 512 York Rd
Sun November 3, 2002 w/ Project Object - Lupo’s - Providence, RI - OPENING FOR LES CLAYPOOL/FROG BRIGADE
Mon November 4, 2002 w/ Project Object - Tammany Hall - Worcester, MA
Wed Jan 3, 2001 with Project/Object - Lilli's Boston (Somerville) MA
Thu Jan 4, 2001 with Project/Object - Valentine's Albany NY
Fri Jan 5, 2001 with Project/Object - Milestones Rochester NY
Sat Jan 6, 2001 with Project/Object - The Docksider Erie PA
Sun Jan 7, 2001 with Project/Object - The Saint Asbury Park NJ
1.12.01 with JFK'S LSD UFO - Jan. 12th, 2001 from 8:30 to 11pm at Wetlands-Preserve, NYC
We were downstairs while DJ Logic had a Superjam with friends from various jam bands as they like to call them (ulu and moe, etc.). Upstairs was the groovalicious and downstairs was theLSD. We spaced out and played to eachother. People used the downstairs to get away from the crowd and smoke pot----right in front of us. This was a great experience and a great opportunity to be a special guest with JFK'S LSD UFO. They push the boundaries of what performing is. After my segment with the band, I rushed into a cabby and traveled across town to get to Sidewalk Cafe to play lead guitar with Esme Montgomery and band.
1.12.01 Esme Montgomery - Jan. 12th, 2001 from 11:30-12:30 at Sidewalk Cafe in NYC.
Got there and Dave Dreiwitz was setting me up a marshall that was borrowed for me to play on. John Braun was setting up his drums. I got there on time!!! We played the gig and the audience was responding very very well. We did a cover of "Sex Type Thing" by Stone Temple Pilots that went over well for some reason. The audience enjoyed the show A LOT and these esme gigs are getting better and better response and love. Someone shouted "More Esme!" before the "The Bitter Poet" took the stage. Esme did a cover tune by her self called "Romeo & Juliet" (by dire straits) as an encore. We packed up our stuff and Dave went to a "gay party" in Chelsea, Esme left for a gig in San Francisco, and John Braun slept over me and explaura's house. The "Bitter Poet" was a great show and if you get the chance to see them, do so. The band and the poet were funny, talented, and captivating.
2.10.01 Esme Montgomery - Feb. 10th, 2001 at the C-Note, NYC.
I went "pick-less" for this one. This was a really cool gig because I thought we rocked extra hard and probably were more tighter as a band then any other show. In the afternoon we had a hardworking rehearsal, bringing a new song "Roll Me Over" into the set bag and premiering it that night. Dave Dreiwitz was on bass, Tom Zovich (who has played bass with this band as well) was on drums, and Esme Montgomery was on vocals, electric and acoustic guitar. We also premiered a jazzy cover - a Nat King Cole song called "L.O.V.E." in which I attempted to play a loungy guitar solo. Dave reassured me that it is "the thing" to be always on the verge of hitting a bad note when playing jazz solos. (Dave is back on tour with one of my favorite bands, Ween in March for a 10-day run, by the way.) Oh yeah, I signed magicalpig's tit at this show with a black sharpie. It was good to see all the fun peeps that came out to this show. Afterwards I went to see P.I.C., a band that plays one of my favorite songs called "Hambo". This band you should check out, they use Rick Bartow on bass from Project/Object and Lovetester.
Project/Object Tour - Feb 22 - March 8th, 2001.
February 21, 2001 with Project/Object - State Theater - Falls Church, VA
February 22-23, 2001 with Project/Object - Visulite Theater - Charlotte, NC
Mother Nature stopped us dead in our tracks on the second day of the tour. It was in Virginia driving to North Carolina to play 2 nights at the Visualite Theatre in Charlotte, NC. The people in the more southern range then the NYC Tr-State aren't used to driving on I-95 during a blizzard. Basically there was a 100-car pile-up or a few of those. We were stuck right behind it. Other idiots drove on the shoulders to get 15 cars ahead and fell off the side of the highway to cause more trouble. We spent about 5 hours traveling 60 miles. Basically the gig that night was cancelled. We showed up to the club at 1am, ate dinner, watched the sopranos and stormed down the east coast playing everynight except the one day off on March 6th. Oh yeah our cargo/equipment rented van broke down (tranny) on the way to Asheville, NC from Savanna, GA. After doing about 8 tours with this band, I can tell you that mishaps like this don't happen ever, but this time, they did. Anyway, look out for a west coast tour in mid April. Thanks to everyone who came out and we're nice to me and to those who spent their money on the Great Atomic Power CD. Check out the tour diary I made for each day/gig on this tour.
Wed Feb 21, 2001 Falls Church, Virginia State Theatre
Barely made the late train at Penn Station, NY to Central Jersey. Got picked up and brought to A&P.; Bought pretty good grub, Vitamin C, zinc lozenges, and echinacia at the A&P.; Left Rancho Relaxo around 11am-12pm. We turned on the walkie talkies. Andre in the passenger side, Spack in the driver's seat, me, jordan, rick, and Ike with seats for ourselves. Got to the gig decent timing. Set up, had some food there from their kitchen. Nice place, big sound, Theatre-Like. Drank some green tea. Met the Charles Wright group during our soundcheck. They were zappa fans and they were gonna open for us. 2 black dudes and a white guy. They opened for us and they kicked SO much fucking ass. They are a fusion group, they all rip it up. http://www.killerfusion.com We had great guests on horns. These two guys from the U.S. Navy band who learned a few zappa songs like Echidnas arf and participated in our Improv Sections and ripped mad solos. Maybe i'll post the setlists for these shows, Rick is our setlist designer and manager. Watched tv at the hotel and had a great party.
Thurs Feb 22, 2001...Charlotte, NC Visualite Theatre.
Woke up in the hotel with my roomate, Rick Bartow. Looked out the window and the snow was packin up. I saw Road Manager Bob from my window trying to get the van packed to get us on the road. Went down to the van and got in. Took off fairly soon and soon hit Traffic on I-95 and the snow was still falling. 1 hour later we were dead stopped in the road. People got out of their cars and took whizzes and walked around. The smokers got out of the van to have a smoke. Jordan started with the snowballs. And we threw snowballs at eachother for a while on I-95. It was time to get back into the van. Yes we were moving another 30 feet. Then we stop again. This went on for 5 hours. I'd say we drove about 60 miles in five hours. The whole time Andre who has much hate for his horrible verizon cell phone with horrible verizon service was contacting the club and owner trying to see what the weather was like in Charlotte (we were still in Virginia---"no snow in charlotte!"). Andre told him that the chances that we would get there on time were slim with all this traffic. This was supposed to be our 1st of 2 nights at the Visualite. We were very psyched to play this gig because it would be the first time we could play 2 shows in this order; 1)set up our stuff, 2) play, 3) leave the stuff on the stage, 4) leave the venue, 5) sleep 6) drive hardly any distance to the next show 7) not set our shit up! 8) rehearse, 9)then play another entirely different show. But the weather and the people who don't know how to drive carefully in snow fucked us all up. We were stuck behind a 100-car pile-up that was all over the news and we drove right through it. By the time we got out of the mess and to the club it was 1am. We unloaded our gear and were welcomed with applause from the barfolks who had come out to see us. The owner told us that we'd be playin tommorow not 2 shows but 1 show with three sets. They were all watching a big screen projection of 200 Motels when we got there. They had food for us waiting. We all ate. And a guy put a DVD of Sopranos episodes...so we watched that on a huge screen. Had a beer or two and then took off to the hotel. 11 Hours were spent driving that day....or not driving....sitting, laying, waiting. Oh yeah, when we got to the hotel, it became apparent that they gave our reservations away to walk-ins and we all had to get rooms with only one bed and we had to wait around for an hour while they fucked around with us some more. A member of the band did us a huge honor by leaving an upperdecker in the hotel lobby bathroom the following day.
Friday Feb 23, 2001...Charlotte, NC Visualite Theatre. Project/Object
Needless to say, we were quite rested for this show. We got there and set up and rehearsed anyway since we got there so early. Had a great beer in a huge bottle during the daytime. The band room is pretty cozy in this venue. It's right behind the stage....Imagine you were chillin' --had your living room with your coffee table and smooth mood lighting and you invited your band over 'cause people were gonna show up to your back porch expecting a show. Outside was nice weather. I chilled out there with a beer and guitar and smoked. We played 3 sets this night. 2nd set was the "One Size Fits All" album. Had a great time playin this show. Back at the same hotel, the member of the band confirmed that it stank in the hotel lobby bathroom.
Saturday Feb 24th, 2002...Atlanta, GA Variety Playhouse. Project/Object
Denny Walley on slide guitar and vocals. Local legend, Glenn Phillips, on guest sick-shredding guitar playing. That's right, 5 guitarists that night--whatcha gonna do? Seahag, Ike, Andre, Glenn, and Denny---The Variety is the right place to do that too. The stage is huge and the sound is unbelievable. We also had a juggler named Dan Berg on the stage a few times that night who did an awesome juggle show to Peaches En Regalia. Before the gig and after soundcheck, Denny and his wife Janet the Planet (yes, from the zappa movie, Baby Snakes) took us all out to indian food which was super nice and awesome of them. I sat next to Denny and had a delicious dinner. Janet made us some pumpkin bread and the whole band housed it and I didn't get any somehow. So later a member of the band found Ike's stash-away pumkin bread and stole one of the middle slices and gave it to me (and of course had some for himself) and put the bread back together. We rocked that house that night. Denny sang an unbelievable City of Tiny Lights and played such awesome slide while Glenn played incredible stuff on his guitar. Oh yeah. The hotel we stayed at in Atlanta was a scary place with ghosts of mental patients. When me and rick tried to get into our room a man who was in bed said, "Someone's in here" and we closed the door. What happened was they split me and rick up and in the scary place I had a smaller single bed room for 1. So did rick. But since Rick picked my room for me, he gave me the more scarier room with the crooked door frame. I woke up fine though. I ain't afraid a no ghost.
Sunday Feb 25th, 2001...Athens, GA Athens Music Factory. Project/Object
Invited Glenn to play with us here as well since it's only an hour away from Atlanta. Got there very early, and went to some neighborhood stores like the place right next door. Out of the t-shirt money was a purchase made by the whole band. The Captain Kirk stand-up cardboard cutout for a stage prop to hang girls lingerie on. It was either the Bill Clinton with a sax (right head, wrong body), Cpt. Kirk, or Elvis (making the most stupidest goofiest stance i've ever seen). We had to get the kirk though....cause we already made fun of him in our shows in the past. Glenn showed up and played awesomely again on more tunes. Had a great time. Dan Berg came and juggled some more at this show. My friend, Neil Golden also known as Octa, showed up (he's from athens and in the group called The Glands). We hung out and I gave him my beers.
Monday Feb 26th, 2001...Charleston, SC The Music Farm Project/Object
I don't remember much about this gig except that we played Carolina Hardcore X-tacy and the crowd went nuts when the lyrics say..."Take a Charleston...." Anyway. I met this kid from Winston Cigarette Company who was taking pictures all night. I tried to get him to hook me up with fresh smokes but all he told me to do was get on the mailing list....maybe he'll come through and get them delivered to my house. I shouldn't be smoking anyway...but if they're free it's better off. This place reminded me of another place....and of another place....and of another place....which is why i can't remember this gig well.
Wed. 27th St. Petersburg, FL at the State Theatre Project/Object
Hey this place was pretty dirty and the people hardly "shew" up. But lo and behold we had a guest with us that night. The guest was Jerry Outlaw from the florida-based-band-that-performs-the-music-of-frank-zappa-with-Napoleon-Murphy-Brock-and-an-orchestra called BOGUS POMP. We'd heard a lot about this band and Jerry urged us to play this gig and brought his guitar and amp to play. Turned out that Jerry was a really good guitar player who played an 80's Kramer like me (currently my only guitar costing $150) He knew a bunch of songs so he played with us a lot and he got to take a lot of solos. There was one solo where I solo'd at the same time as him. I don't know why people don't do more of that. I pretty much did it because I knew someone was taping the show. Anyway, besides the lack of crowdige we had at the State Theatre this was a fun show to play and the promoter was a fine lad. One thing about this crowd though, we played 2 sets and everyone was back in their seats. When we came back for an encore, they were up to the stage dancing. It was like, way too late for getting really into the show. It was the last song. I even said to them "What, ya come up to the front now? It's the last song, why'd you wait for the last song" or something. Somewhere a few blocks from this this theatre was a great coffee shop where all the wierdo's hung out. We got food there that was REALLY fuckin good and good coffee. The best veggie burger ever. We hung there for like an hour and i want to do more of this laid back dining in the future.
Thursday Feb 28th, 2001 Ft. Lauderdale, FL at State Theater Project/Object
This was at first a drag because we showed up and the club wasn't open. All there was was Quiet Riot flyers cause they were gonna play there soon. (I really wanna know the story about Ozzy punching Rudy Sarzo in the face.) Me, Rick, and Wes went to the bar and ordered coffee's and the bartender was from Jersey. A few coffee's later, I was having a great time at the bar and the club was open. This was the night where Rick's parent's were gonna come see us. Also this was the night where our booking agent's parents were gonna see us. Basically both sets of parents were going to see whether their son was wasting his time or not. There was a huge 7 foot bong on the stage made out of cardboard and Captain Kirk took mad bong-hits during a reggae jam. The show was pretty silly and a wicked pissa, dude. The crowd at this show made up for the lacking crowd of our other two Florida shows cause they were abundant and loud. The weather was nice and Spackle and our merchandise was set up outside the club by the entrance. I talked to this one dude who told me he was recording the newest Aerosmith record and that he got to play keyboard on it. He was from Boston but i forgot his name. You people with the new Aerosmith cd can find out. Florida gigs were over now. It was time to go back north. We was pretty happy about it I think.
MARCH 2001
March 1, 2001 with Project/Object - Culture Room - Ft Lauderdale, FL
March 2, 2001 with Project/Object - JJ Cagney's - Savannah, GA
March 3, 2001 with Project/Object - Stella Blue - Asheville, NC
March 4, 2001 with Project/Object - Peasants - Greenville, NC
March 5, 2001 with Project/Object - Alley Katz - Richmond, VA
March 7, 2001 with Project/Object - Met Cafe - Providence, RI
3.18.01 Esme Montgomery - Olive's Cafe - Wilkes-Barre, PA.
Broke in a new drummer--Tom Curiano who totally kicked ass. Woke up at 11:30am and went to Tin Pan Alley to rehearse from 12-3pm. After rehearsal, me, Tom Zovich (bass), and Esme (ld. vox/guitar) rode in Tom's car to a diner where I had a Fish Sandwich deluxe (wit da fries). Esme had a Chicken Salad Club (maybe) with some bacon and fries. Tom had a Lobster soup which was supposed to be Turkey and then he had a Feta Salad with Anchovies. The Diner: The Hibernia Diner off of I-80...the diner where the guy kept getting Tom's order wrong...."Can I have a coke?" - "Ok, here's your sprite." Anyway we drive through the bitter cold of I-80 to Wilkes-Barre and arrived at Olive's around 7pm. There we saw members from my good friend Les' new band called Stoney Creek. The bartender Brian was cool and gave us beers galore for no charge. Charles (promoter/booking for Olive's) was a nice dude and I hadn't seen him in a few years. Olives might soon be a cool new spot to play small shows in the NE PA area. I made the setlist for this show. There was 2 sets each band. We split the show up this way; Esme plays first set, Stoney Creek plays first set, Esme plays second set, Stoney Creek plays second set. This was cool because as John from Stony Creek put it on the mic on SCB Set II - "Wow, ya don't realize but while you're on your set break you're watching another band and getting really really drunk". I suppose this was the feel of the night for all involved. This was our longest set yet and some of our songs were performed faster then any other time. Especially Get Out of My Head which was fucking fast. We did a lot of covers. Mother Mother (by Tracy Bonham), What Is and What Should Never Be (by Led Zeppelin), Stay Forever (by WEEN), To Be With You (Mr. Big), Sex Type Thing (by STP), and Lets Hear it for the boy (from the footloose soundtrack by ???). No one recorded this show. I have a feeling that the Amityville gig on March 31st might be long like this one was. After the show, Tom drove me and him back from Wilkes-Barre to NYC. We stopped at Dunkin' Donuts and got some coffees and Tom kept callin' the guy 'Boss' at the franchise. When traveling on I-80 in the western part of New Jersey, make sure you all have enough gasoline for your car especially at night. We barely made it to an "open" gas station.
3.20.01 Old Rugged Sauce - Lakeside Lounge, East Village, NYC.
I only played with this guy Paulie once before this show. It all happened on Dec. 23rd, 2000 when Dave Dreiwitz was gonna play his first show with Esme Montgomery and before our gig at 9pm he said he had to meet his friend at 9C (bar in nyc) to play a gig. So Dave took me and Esme in his car to the gig. We got some chinese food to eat at the bar and soon enough Paulie shows up and starts playin' and singing lounge tunes at the bar and dave is playing along on bass. Then we played the Esme gig across the street at another bar (C-Note). After show, me and Laura were invited to a joint in Williamsburg (where we reside). At this joint, Paulie told me I should get up there and play lounge shtuff with him and dave. I only knew about 1 song out of about 2 hours of music but they said i did good. So Paulie calls me up a few months later for this gig. And i say, "Is there a rehearsal?". He says "No we'll do it just like last time". So this time there was a drummer and i recognized more of the songs. A debut of "Shaft" was done and talk about doing "Carwash". It was quite fun and the beers were free for the band like they should always be fuckin' dammit. The blue panties that have been hanging on my headstock for the last 6 months were used in a surprisingly skilled game of panty-tag (throwing the panties and landing them on the other guy's instrument). After the gig, Paulie told me I should come thursday at the Right Bank Cafe in Williamsburg. Apparently they play there every thursday night. From like 10-2am.
3.22.01 Old Rugged Sauce - Right Bank Cafe, Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Drums and two guitars. "Rehearsal gig" they call it. Every thursday. Played 2 sets and learned some more songs on the spot that I never heard before. "Shaft" was rehearsed. Virginia (bartender) reminded me of ye good ol' Holly Piper and served us beer right to the stage. I actually witnessed Paulie "Supersize" his Scotch drink with our bartender. Patrick (the guy who runs the place) offered to take care of any of my hunger needs (wanna samwich? wanna salad?). Paulie and I discussed a very innovative project idea he came up with that we're gonna take on at the studio he works at in Williamsburg but that's enough about that--i'll have more to say when that starts happening. This gig was much fun and something useful to do on a thursday night while hanging out at a laid back bar. Talk of next Thursday at the same place is on...but apparently a DJ might be spinnin'....but if he's upstairs, we'll play downstairs hopefully.
3.29.01 Old Rugged Sauce - Right Bank Cafe, Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Same line up as last week--Glenn on drums with just a snare and a ride cymbal, me on "eddie van halen" guitarwith the panties, and paulie on d'angelo pick-up guitar. Welp this was my 4th rehearsal with this band and man i'm finally getting some of this shit down, with the exception of the new songs paulie whips out on me every show. We did "Shaft" much better then the week before. We also did "Hot for Teacher" instrumental and "pusher man" and some really really cool songs which i don't know the name to any of them. DJ Vick the Bruiser (WBAI) and the ever-famous Laura came to this gig and had drinks. I, for one, should not drink like i did at this gig. Basically I was fine until after the gig when I had my second "supersized" scotch and soda (after about 3 pints of Harp - beer before liquor never sicker). In the middle of the drink and in the middle of conversation, I had to head to the bathroom. When i got there i took a seat on the porcelain throne and basically "rested" there and dozed in and out of sleep (I had been very tired since earlier in the day) until some guy came in asked me if i was alright and i said "yeah, thanks" and then I puked (two shots) and felt much much better. Called a car from the car service by my house and got picked up and brought to me home at 4am. There is a streak of shows happening including/starting-with this one. 5 shows in 4 days. As DennisDwould say... "yeow".
3.30.01 Esme Montgomery - The C-Note, East Village, New York
What a cool gig. First of all, lemme say that the Old Devil Moon is one of my favorite restaurants. Went there to meet Laura for dinner before this show. Saw my friends Josh and Dennis ("Fuckwheat" from mp3 page who owns the restaurant). Me and Laura had one of the best dinners ever there and splurged 25 dollars. We went over to the C-Note, and saw Danneh! sittin at the bar. Anyway. Sooner or later we were up at the stage playing and there was all sorts of cronies in the audience. Laura, Danneh, Ryan Sholin', Vick the Bruiser, Inspector Jim B. and Jessica, Davey & Charlyn (maybe even a drunk charlyn which is not normal). We played this show a super enthused crowd. And the rock prevailed. After the show Dan The Hotch (the most leadest singer from wrong) shows up and taps me on the shoulder surprising me because he lives in SanFran now. After the show, the people who were left went to Ryan's house and jammed on harmonicas and acoustic guitars until about 3am. Led Zep song was covered for the 2nd time at this gig--no slide on the slide solo.
3.31.01 Esme Montgomery - The New Wrong Way Inn, Amityville, LI, NY
Tom Zovich (plays an awesome silly bass) once again drove me and Esme to an out-of-town gig. I gotta say this was the greatest we've ever sounded as a hard-rock band even if we're not always a hard rock band. But for the songs esme writes that are hard-rock, this was the real deal. The real Rock. Tom Curiano on drums (3rd gig) keeps kicking more and more ass and gets me playing more live than live on the rock. Despite the lack of a packed house in this town, this was probably the best show we've ever played (is it only because we played the night before?). We could hear the vocals and the crowd response was golden. Tom C. drove me back to brooklyn and dropped me right to the front door of my house. I came home around 1am and slept by 2am. Led Zep song was covered for the 3rd time- no slide on the slide solo.
APRIL 2001
4.1.01 Old Rugged Sauce - The Pourhouse, Williamsburg, Bklyn 7:30pm
First of all, sorry but the POOL HOUSE gig was nixed. [I heard that Davey and Charlyn tried to go and couldn't find the place. Sorry Davey and Charlyn but it was April Fools Day and i guess i played my trick even though I didn't plan it.] I've always frequented this bar because it was a new joint that opened up close to my friends Dan and Liz's house about a year ago. This was my first time playing here so it was cool. Glenn was late due to Daylight Saving's time fuck-up-non-knowing-non-setting-forward-the-clock. At this gig, Glenn was officially known as "Peg Leg" because of his sprained high-hat leg (he apparently fell down a manhole). Glenn of course didn't show with a high-hat. Only with a snare and ride cymbal again. A woman was cheering him giving him approval especially during "Shaft". The gig was kind of tight (not a lot of room to play and I should've had a drink next to me for in between songs) After about 15 songs we split to the next joint. A stint at a new studio opening up in the gas tank riverbank of williamsburg.
4.1.01 Old Rugged Sauce - Comtex Studios, Williamsburg, Bklyn 10pm
Woah, and god damn! This place is nice, dude. Outside the windows of this studio you can see gas tanks galore (huge). Inside this studio you can see a really great studio. Possibly the Paisley Park of Williamsburg. Anyway, it's a recording studio with great equipment-state of the art and old crap that still works well and weighs a lot of pounds. There's tons of space in this place as well. They were having the opening weekend party there and we were playing as the last band in their performance space which was very nicely lit with tables and candles and a bar and some meat pies. For this gig, Paulie invited two guests up to play the whole set with us. Pete on congas and (damn, i forgot the name) on sax. These guys played sweet and ORS pretty much played sweeter then we've ever played together since i started. I did my best being a guitarist and bassist at the same time in the first set. Again we did Shaft and we did "Pusherman". On set two Glenn was on marimba, Pete was on drums and another friend (i'm bad with names) played bass. During that set we played "Why Does It Hurt When I Pee" by Frank Zappa and Paulie sang it wickedly greatnessed.
4.4.01 Project/Object - University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 8pm
Went to meet Jordan Shapiro and his bluegrass band, Citigrass, the night before. They were playing a gig at the Rodeo Bar in nyc. Got there and me and Jordonian drove to Matawan, NJ to wes' house so that we could leave early in the morning at 9am to get to UNH by 4pm. Plans worked well and we got to the club. It was there that i searched out our booking guy. Who turned out to be my good friend David Derrick's younger brother! Joe Derrick booked us there and I didn't even know it. I had met Joe and hung out with Joe a good 4-5 times in the past so it was cool to hang again and it was great to have him as a coordinator. We set up our gear and we loved the campus. It was beautiful. A river runs through it. We got to eat 10 dollars worth of food at the Dining Hall (food court) and it was pretty alright....alright. By the time 8pm rolled by it was playing time! We . At this gig, we had some mishaps, but over all, our jams were pretty super, and our improvs and randomoniums were stellar, this was a new crowd to us...since we've never been up in that New England area before and we played to that aspect. Luckily they all approved and they really dug it and cheered. By the end of our second set we were pretty thrilled with the crowd. After the gig, we packed up and stayed at the Holiday Inn in the town that Red Hook beer is from in NH (try to remember the name of the town). It was there that me, roadie/composer rich, and jordonian went to BICKFORDS and met the rudest waiter in the history of my dining. He was such a dick, but when he realized that we weren't impressed anymore he started becoming really nice to us and saying "can i get you anything else" rather than, "Fuck you, i'm gonna smoke my cigarette here at the this table with my friends before i take your order up". That night, Wes, Mumbo, and Head-Roadie Bob took their rented Cargo-truck back home and me and Andre, Rick, and Jordan, stayed at the hotel. Mumbo had to be at a craft show selling drums the next day in Virginia. ON HIS BIRTHDAY! Happy Birthday Mumbo!
4.5.01 Old Rugged Sauce - Right Bank Cafe, Williamsburg, Bklyn 11pm
This gig kicked the most ass because it was the first time that I had played with paulie with a bass player since Dave was here last (when i was still new). So about 7 gigs later we get Alec, a bass player who is back from the road with his band RAGING SLAB who i actually saw open for the melvins at cbgb's a few years ago. With Alec on bass, it opened up a louder, rockin'er sound on behalf of the whole band. I didn't have to worry about playing bassy notes on the guitar to fill in where i needed bass to feel happy. Alec had it all covered and it made all the guitar amps sound better. Even Glenn, who still showed up with just a snare and a ride cymbal, sounded like he had a full kit up there. Very fun. Next week is the last thursday night gig i'll get to do with them until after the upcoming Project/Object tour.
4.7.01 Esme Montgomery - The Living Room, East Village, NYC 7pm
Cool gig because i was allowed to play bass. So it was a duo. me and esme. Esme played piano and guitar and i played guitar and bass. This show wasn't recorded but it was a good one. I am going to have to get a stereo mic for my minidisc sometime soon. At this gig i met my old friend Paul Alves who i used to hang around and play with at age 12 when he was like 14. We used to record stuff on four-track with him on guitar, and me on bass. Found out he lives now a block and a half from my house! Back to the gig: it was really cool to get to play my spector bass because it sounds so good. I bought the bass from Kasim Sultan (from Todd Rundgren's Utopia) directly from his hands to mine about 1994 and he told me how he used it on joan jett recordings. Anyway. Despite the lack of a packed room (it was 7pm). I wanna thank Laura, Emily, Ryan Sholin, and Paul Alves for showing up and bringin' people. Anyway, fun gig! Some real beauty floated through the air....i think. After the gig, me and laura and esme and emily went to see Rick Bartow play bass with P.I.C. and it turned out it was the 1 year anniversary of their record label Riding Mower Records. We caught a really strong band that played before them called Black Sonny and Rick Bartow said he saw them a year ago and they're like one million times better now.
4.8.01 Old Rugged Sauce - The Pool Room, Williamsburg, Bklyn 8pm
Well, this place is really close to my house and has been open less than a year. A surprise gig. This one, paulie called me and asked if would meet him here and that he'd bring an acoustic for me. They were going to have a rockabilly night or something with a dj spinning that stuff. I got there and i chose the green drink instead of the red drink, and pretty much got down to playing. It was just me and paulie for this gig. Paulie wants to get a steady gig here since they wanna get some band to play often. Chances are, Old Rugged Sauce will be the house band around there. (Ever hear the spanish version of "Winds of Change" by the scorpions? I'm getting the premiere right now from some apartment in this mostly hispanic section of town I live in.) So, me and paulie jammed on two acoustics (i played his Kay which was installed with a barcus-berry pickup and looked classy and very scratched up, used and abused, but the neck had just been set up beautifully). We played for about 30 minutes to give the owner guy a taste and then the dj went on. The room was a great room for this style of music. "It's so close to the house that it almost makes it worth it" was the quote of the night (about getting a steady gig here)
4.12.01 Old Rugged Sauce - Right Bank Cafe, Williamsburg, Bklyn 11pm
Showed up to this gig at 10:30 and soon Vicki Hipple showed up because she just got back from work at studio where she was workin' with the art department building sets for an infomercial starring Joan Rivers. Apparently, she realized it was Thursday night and figured we'd be playing. Had a beer and hung out and soon, Alec showed up with his Rick bass. We took the stage at around 11:15 and played a set, kind of a confusing set because I felt like it was my 2nd gig, 'cause Paulie was whippin' out tunes I had never heard. After about an hour of fiddlin' around, playing guitar solos, and faking my way through the wrong chords to back up Paulie's solos, we took a break---a well needed one, and during that break I talked to artist and lead singer of Two Minutes Hate for a while, a very nice gentleman and went back up to the stage about a half hour later. This set was a little more familiar. None of the other member's thought I was as lost as I knew I was during the first set. At the end of the second set, a dude came up again for the second week in a row. I keep forgetting his name. He played these old 60's English Rock tunes that were very obscure and corny....but he rocked at singing and playing them so they made all who witnessed cheery for the corn. We switched around, Paulie played drums, played my guitar, and later we both played my guitar: he took a guitar solo---fingering the fretboard with his left hand while i picked the notes he was holding down with my right hand. We pretty much played all night....actually went up and played a third set. I hung out there until finally getting home at 5am. Was fun.....it was the last gig at Right Bank Cafe that i'll play until I get back from my Tour with P/O.
APRIL 2001
4.13.01 Esme Montgomery & The Dark Sweet Cherries - Baby Jupiter, East Village, NYC 7pm
I had to take a car service to this gig (ugggh....10 bucks) because it was one of those gigs that I had to bring my own amp (oh, woe is me). Now, I don't even own a new york style small and professional combo amp. I have this amp that kicks ass called a BENJAMIN ADAMS that has a non working reverb and no clean tone. It's an amp that Satanham Lincoln (aka Regis Gimeno) basically gave me to hold on to years ago because he had it with a bass that he bought. I still have his bass at my parent's house in Newark, NJ. That bass is another unknown brand name bass. But unfortunately I really couldn't get a crystal clear clean tone for this gig, but whatever, i turned my guitar volume down and it worked. Also, I brought my minidisc recorder to this gig and a realistic flat-mic (mono) to record. Esme provided the batteries and the blank minidisc. So wow, this show was RECORDED! It was recorded too hot though. Distorted, but it still rocks and serves as a historical document of sound. Unfortunately, I cannot "man" the recording level from the stage, so some other person has to learn to do this please. Anyway, there were tons of people from Esme's workplace that attended this gig. Also, Laura Wilson and Ryan Sholin' again. Ryan is showing an impressive streak of attendance at these gigs and so is Laura. Esme provided a half gallon of Vodka for the audience (as there is a policy at baby jupiter: byob). She also bought 3 or 4 six packs of budweiser tall boys for the event. I think Tom Z did the shopping for it. A room of people sitting down enjoying the show with free budweiser in hand is an easy crowd to please! Nice choice of beer size--Very smart. Budweiser's never tasted so good and happy. After Esme's month of toying with the name, Dark Sweet Cherries for us (her band members), she finally put it on the flyer which is why this review's headline reads "& the Dark Sweet Cherries". I was a dark sweet cherry that night, and chances are, I might be one again at the next gig after I get back from the Conquest of the West Tour. Right now I'm gonna do something I haven't done before, I'm going to list the tunes we played: Falling Off Horses, Tell Tale Heart, Catch Me, Next Generation, Climb, Moon Cry, Anyplace, Hands Off, What Is and What Should Never Be (cover). A total of 9 tunes.
MAY 2001
Project/Object Continues on its Conquest of the West Tour.
We continued on, and I don't really have a full tour diary of this stuff. Mumbo's more of the guy with the stories. And wes is the illustrator for it all. But yes, All of may was a gig. maybe like 25 shows or something. From April 18th to May 31st.
JUNE 2001
6.06.01 Project/Object . Wetlands, NYC 10:30pm
6.09.01 The Niche . ScottyPaluza @ Sterling Stage . Hannibal, New York, 7pm
6.12.01 Old Rugged Sauce . Lakeside Lounge, East Village, NYC, 10pm
6.13.01 Project/Object . Wetlands, NYC 10:30pm
6.14.01 Old Rugged Sauce . Right Bank Cafe, Williamsburg, Brooklyn 10pm
6.20.01 Project/Object . Wetlands, NYC 10:30pm
6.21.01 Old Rugged Sauce Right Bank Cafe, Williamsburg, Brooklyn 10pm
6.24.01 Old Rugged Sauce . Pourhouse, Williamsburg, Brooklyn 8pm
6.26.01 Old Rugged Sauce - Lakeside Lounge, East Village, NYC 10pm
Oh yeah baby. I've been riding Lorax's skateboard around to these gigs with guitar on back for a few weeks and I've been told that I'm "goofy foot" meaning that I pedal with my left foot when i'm a righty. Anyway. Me on guitar, Paulie on guitar and lead vocals, Dave on bass, and Glenn on drums. This was the night when the "incident" first happened. This gig was a rollercoaster. Some stuff that didn't do so great last time came out beautifully, and then Paulie started whippin' out songs we've never played before and well, then it's time for me to play a solo. By the end of the night there were a crowd of people sitting down and pretty drunk screaming after all the songs. Many backstage betties (tenacious d, they reign) were in the audience and were all shakin their booties in their chairs to our heavy upbeat numbers. (ha, numbers...Ozzy Osbourne, if you haven't noticed, says "number" instead of song, or tune, when you see him live. and if you've never seen Ozzy live, you've never seen the grandfather of heavy metal, a jolly and fun grandpa he is, he'll make you smile, I saw him first when i was 10.) Anyway, we were actually forced to do an encore, so we played too rockin' instrumentals and then hung up our guitars and got some beer. I was drinking my summer drink, gin & tonic earlier. I've been really liking vino lately. Wine. It was the first alcohol i've ever drank, I used to water it down at the dinner table when i was in my single digits. Later on, when I was about 14-15, I started to get drunk with my grandfather after we'd eat together. He lived downstairs. He'd have awesome italian bread and awesome mozzerella (pronounced, Mootz-sa-dell). So bread, cheese, and wine. "Get Drunk!" he'd say. Anyway. Beer gives you the beer belly. Am I wrong in thinking that vino and liquor is better off? Vino is good for food. Vino reigns. So what's this alcohol and grandaddy talk have to do with this gig? Oh, come on! I'm talking about the Old Rugged Sauce! It has everything to do with this gig.
6.28.01 Old Rugged Sauce . Right Bank Cafe, Williamsburg - Brooklyn, NY 11pm
JULY 2001
7.11.01 Esme Montgomery . Brooklyn Lyceum, Park Slope - Brooklyn, NY 9:30pm
7.11.01 The Plutonic Forms . Brooklyn Lyceum, Park Slope - Brooklyn, NY 11:30pm
7.12.01 Old Rugged Sauce . Right Bank Cafe, Williamsburg - Brooklyn, NY 11:30pm
7.15.01 Old Rugged Sauce . The Pourhouse, Williamsburg - Brooklyn, NY 6pm7.19.01 Old Rugged Sauce . Right Bank Cafe, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY 11pm
7.26.01 The Plutonic Forms, Wetlands Preserve, New York, NY 11pm
7.30.01 Old Rugged Sauce . MTA Subways, Staten Island Ferry, & Iona's, NYC, 2-6pm
So I told Paulie to call me if he ever wants to go out and play the subways for some spare change and some dollars. Sure enough, Paulie is a man of his word, he did callme and I said yeah. So i walked over to his house. "It's close enough to the house that its almost worth it", yeah that house. There we sat and listened to some music and chilled at his kitchen table. Nice pad. Next thing we were out the door, his acoustic in his case and me carrying a no-cased Kay with a pickup through Williamsburg right into the trendy section of Bedford. We down to the Bedford L stop and start whippin out the first song, and then the second song, soon enough we're kickin' ass just me and him and we get about 5 bucks. Then we take the subway to The Staten Island Ferry. When we get there, we decide it's time to eat, drink, and smoke. So we get 2 slices of Pizza each, I get a coca-cola, and he gets a pepsi. I told him that we should be arguing about the difference in sodas. But of course, we don't like to bicker about the television things in life. I personally enjoy both Pepsi and Coke, maybe a little RC too, or Brooklyn brand bottled cokes we used to get in Newark. Anyway, sittin around it's drizzlin' a bit, not good for the guitar with no case. so we finishe our pizza's and try to hit up the tourists goin to see the statue of liberty there. We don't make jack shit. So after about an hour we go back uptown and get on the L, but there's a violin girl there at Union Square L stop. By the time we get back to Bedford to try it again, people are only comin' into brooklyn, not leaving brooklyn. So we basically bagged it and went to IONA's, a bar in Williamsburg to see if we could play for free drinks. The girl that Paulie knows wasn't there, so we had to work it out with the bartender there who seemed kind of pissed and a little like we were in the way--comin' in there with our guitars expectin to do something. So we paid for a beer and then paulie got the nerve to say, "So can we play a few songs?" and bartender guy said yeah, right after this song (he had on some texas shit, some waylon jennings shit or something). So me and paulie play, then this drunk guy comes back with his sax. And he's good, but the dude played way too loud...very annoying...headache-ish . I told him to stick a sock in that thing about 2 times but he just kind of didn't hear cause he was drunk with other noises in his mind. But anyway. the bartender gave us a free beer (HARP) and we was on our way home. Seahag: Let's Not Not do this again............................Paulie: You mean Let's do this again? ............................ Seahag: Yeah like, we didn't do good, but lets not NOT do this again......................Paulie: So you wanna do this again?............................Seahag: Yeah, it's not like we raked in all the cash, and we could say "YEAH!! LETS DO THIS AGAIN!!!!! WOOOHOOO", we can't be all happy about it. We have to say "lets not not do this again"....lets give it another chance..........Paulie: Ok Happy. So needless to say, we'll do this again.
8.2.01 Old Rugged Sauce. Right Bank Cafe, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY 11pm
8.9.01 Old Rugged Sauce. Right Bank Cafe, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY 11pm
8.14.01 Fortune Cookie Dreams. Blue Heron Arts Center, NYC
8.15.01 Fortune Cookie Dreams. Blue Heron Arts Center, NYC
8.16.01 Fortune Cookie Dreams. Blue Heron Arts Center, NYC
August 16, 2001 with Project/Object - Wetlands Preserve - New York City, NY (deconstructing 4 madonna songs)
8.17.01 Fortune Cookie Dreams. Blue Heron Arts Center, NYC
8.18.01 Fortune Cookie Dreams. Blue Heron Arts Center, NYC (Matinee)
8.18.01 Fortune Cookie Dreams. Blue Heron Arts Center, NYC
8.19.01 Fortune Cookie Dreams. Blue Heron Arts Center, NYC
8.23.01 Old Rugged Sauce . Right Bank Cafe, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY 11pm
8.30.01 Project Object w/Ike Willis. Met Cafe, Providence, Rhode Island, 10pm
9.01.01 Project Object w/Ike Willis. moe.down Festival, Hannibal, NY, 3:30pm
9.02.01 Project Object w/Ike Willis. Brighton Bar, Long Branch, NJ, 10pm
9.16.01 Old Rugged Sauce. The Pourhouse, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY 6pm
9.20.01 Old Rugged Sauce. Right Bank Cafe, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY 11pm
9.22.01 Old Rugged Sauce. Wedding in Weems, Virginia 5-10pm
.....................So I get my suit back cleaned from the local joint, call a car service and load 2 guitars, a suit, and a bag of clothes in it, and tell them to take me to paulie's house. There we meet Dave and he's got the rent a car. Dave had just did a session gig for Swifter...the dust cleaning mop style household product which i am just dying to try. I hope that dave did it for free, because that shit must rule. ANYWAY, what was i saying, yeah so we go and pick up freakin' Ethan at his pad, and we start going to virginia, 9 hours later at 1am we get there, and we have a little trouble finding our place to stay. The kid at the desk finally tells us where we are. We're at Cove Cottage. Yes, the whole band gets its own cottage in a cove on the water. So we open the door to our cottage and shit, there it is, the bag of chips, peanuts, jack daniels and johnny walker. We proceed to get ice and start drinking out on our deck on the water, sitting at our table under an umbrella. We stay up til 5. We wake up to a beautiful day. beautiful for swimming. it's 9am. Paulie went and rented a canoe for free. We swam, went into town to eat for super cheap. Paulie bought swimmin' trunks. We came back swam again, rehearsed on our deck loud on the water, got dressed around 4--walked over to the wedding area and played an instrumental 1 hour set underneath a tree for cocktail hour. After that, we went back to our pad, and about an hour later, we came back to play the reception. We must have played 2 sets, about 50 minutes each. Then there was this big boozefest after. All this booze and partying people from the wedding. It was quite fun. I drank Vodka all night and woke up drunk at 11am and in need of my next drink. So i drank a simple shot of vodka in the morning, then we left at 1pm. On the way home, we went to a seafood place off the Chesepeake Bay in Maryland, called the Crab Shack and blew all the money we could. I made the guys in the van listen to my old italian wedding band, and "Whats Wrong with My Dick" and "I fingered Your Vagina", and "Whores on Acid." They loved it.
9.27.01 Old Rugged Sauce. Right Bank Cafe, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY 11pm
9.28.01 Smoggy Borough Boys. The Sanctuary, East Village, NYC 7:30-10pm
Jordan calls me up and asks if I wanna play tonight because James Kerr (the bad-ass dobro player and guitarist) couldn't make it. So it was just gonna be jordan. So I say yes....then he calls me and says, no, James can make it now. And I say, well, i'll play bass then. And then James Kerr did approve and we got there and played for 2 hours for people eating vegetarian meat dishes. Fake meat all over the place. I had a hot bowl of fake fish soup. The best part about the soup was the fake fish though. These Smoggy Borough boys are James Kerr, Jordan Shapiro and Ben Bernstein. Ben couldn't make it that night which is where I have become some sort of fill in guy for Ben now...which is pretty good considering the food they give. They pay crap though. 10 bucks for 2 hours of playing. It really should be at least 20 bucks. But then, the food is good. The Chicken-not nuggets. These boys play really nice shit actually. Acoustic stuff. Americana crap. Bluegrass and Country and Jazz. Jordan sings sometimes. Thems boys is good.
9.30.01 Old Rugged Sauce. The Pourhouse, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY 6pm
October 25, 2001 - Old Rugged Sauce - Right Bank Cafe, Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Double Header Sauce Gigs!
October 25, 2001 - Old Rugged Sauce - Poorhouse, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY 11211 - 6:00 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2001 - OLD RUGGED SAUCE at Old Devil Moon East Village, NYC
10:00 PM
Dennis said to roll on by the Old Devil Moon at around 7:30, but i didn't show up with Dave Johnsen until about 8:15, there I saw some members of posse and dark sweet cherry band members. This gig were gonna have John Braun on drums, Dennis Driscoll on bass, me on guitar, Esme Montgomery on guitar and lead vocals, Kirsten Thien and Corrin Roskos on background vocals. At the old devil moon, i had some foodage, and some pabst in a can. Made it over to Lakeside to see dennis reading story's about getting into trouble as a kid, stories that are not too normal and pretty fucked up, but good true stories about growin up in Inwood, NYC, fun stuff. He had a great guitarist with him playing background stuff while he read. Bald shaved head guy with an ESP telecaster with a spiffy tremolo bar, played really tasty stuff. After Dennis read, we tuned up and blew through our set quickly. Playing a debut of esme's new song, "I can't". I had fun playin' this gig, rocking out if you will. I kind of dig splanging chords on a strat with a bassy clean tone. The stage was crowded but i got to hang in back of the background vocalists and rock out with drummer, jonny pacalolo. After the gig, I got to hang out with good ole' friend drinky and drink cans of free tecate from the bar. Esme remembered to pass out the hat this gig so we actually made some pocket change, won some dollars and a metrocard. Got home late and pigged out on as much food as possible.
October 31st, 2001 (Halloween) - Project/Object with the Grandmothers - Irving Plaza, NYC
November 1, 2001 - Old Rugged Sauce - Right Bank Cafe, Williamsburg, Brooklyn - 11:00 PM
Thursday, November 29th - Old Rugged Sauce at Right Bank Cafe (Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY), Kent Ave @ Broadway - 11:00 PM - Free Admission
Wed Jan 3, 2001 with Project/Object - Lilli's Boston (Somerville) MA
Thu Jan 4, 2001 with Project/Object - Valentine's Albany NY
Fri Jan 5, 2001 with Project/Object - Milestones Rochester NY
Sat Jan 6, 2001 with Project/Object - The Docksider Erie PA
Sun Jan 7, 2001 with Project/Object - The Saint Asbury Park NJ
March 14, 2000 - Project/Object at Higher Ground - Burlington VT
March 15, 2000 - Project/Object at Iron Horse - Northampton, MA
March 16, 2000 - Project/Object at MT Muggs - Glens Falls, NY
March 17, 2000 - Project/Object at The Tralf - Buffalo, NY
March 18, 2000 - Project/Object at Maxwell's - Hoboken, NJ
March 21, 2000 - Project/Object at Met Cafe - Providence RI
March 22, 2000 - Project/Object at Harper's Ferry - Boston/Allston, MA
March 23, 2000 - Project/Object at The Khyber - Philly, PA
March 24, 2000 - Project/Object at Lion's Den - NYC, NY
March 25, 2000 - Project/Object at The Garage - Washington DC
March 27, 2000 - Project/Object at Milestones - Rochester, NY
March 28, 2000 - Project/Object at Docksider - Erie, PA
March 29, 2000 - Project/Object at Barrel House - Cincinnati, OH
March 31, 2000 - Project/Object at Martyr's - Chicago, IL
Sat April 1, 2000 - Project Object at Cicero's - St. Louis, MO
Sun April 2, 2000 - Project Object at Headliners Music Hall - Louisville, KY
Mon April 3, 2000 - Project Object at Empty Glass - Charleston, W. Va
Wed April 5, 2000 - Project Object at the Brighton Bar - Longbranch, NJFri
August 4, 2000 - with Project/Object at Met Cafe, Providence, RI
Sat August 5, 2000 - with Project/Object at Wetlands Preserve (Wetlands show was recorded for Phoenix Presents for a LIVE CD and eventual webcast), NYC, NY
Sun August 6, 2000 - with Project/Object at Zigs, Alexandria, VA
Mon August 7, 2000 - with Project/Object at Rosebud, Pittsburgh, PA
Tues August 8, 2000 - with Project/Object at Village Casino, Jamestown (Bemus Point), NY
Wed August 9, 2000 - with Project/Object at Blind Lemon, Cleveland, OH
Thur August 10, 2000 - with Project/Object at Magic Bag, Detroit MI
Fri August 11, 2000 - with Project/Object at Zappening 2000, Chillicothe/Peoria, IL
Sat August 12, 2000 - with Project/Object at Martyr's, Chicago, IL
Mon August 14, 2000 - with Project/Object at Empty Glass, Charleston, WV
Tues August 15, 2000 - with Project/Object at Lynagh's, Lexington, KY
Wed August 16, 2000 - with Project/Object at Variety Playhouse (SPECIAL GUEST: ex-Zappa Slide Guitarist DENNY WALLEY), Atlanta, GA
Thu August 17, 2000 - with Project/Object at Stella Blues, Asheville, NC
Fri August 18, 2000 - with Project/Object at Visulite Theatre, Charlotte, NC
Sat August 19, 2000 - with Project/Object at Elbow Room, Columbia, SC
Sun August 20, 2000 - with Project/Object at Peasants, Greenville, NC
Mon August 21, 2000 - with Project/Object at NorVa, Norfolk, VA
Tues August 22, 2000 - with Project/Object at Alley Katz, Richmond, VA
Wed August 23, 2000 - with Project/Object at Stanhope House, Stanhope, NJ
Sept 19, 2000 - w/ Project Object at Higher Ground - Burlington, VT
Sept 20, 2000-w/ Project Object at Middle East (Downstairs) - Boston, MA
Sept 21, 2000 - w/ Project Object at Details TBA - Philadelphia, PA
Wed Dec 27, 2000 with Project/Object - Ziggy's Winston-Salem NC
Thu Dec 28, 2000 with Project/Object - Stella Blue Asheville NC
Fri Dec 29, 2000 with Project/Object - NorVa Norfolk/Va. Beach VA
Sat Dec 30, 2000 with Project/Object - 8x10 Club Baltimore MD
Sun Dec 31, 2000 with Project/Object - Lion's Den NYC NY
February 9, 1999 - WRONG at CBGB's - NYC
Acoustic Wrong Set with Les Echart on saxophone. This is the show that the inspector missed because his grandmother passed away that day, R.I.P. Jane Stockwell
Feb 27, 1999 - IZ at Backstreets North Haledon, NJ 11:45pm $5
Wed Oct 27, 1999—Project/Object at Valentines—Albany NY
Thu Oct 28, 1999—Project/Object at The Haunt—Ithaca NY
Fri Oct 29, 1999—Project/Object at 8 X 10—Baltimore MD
Sat Oct 30, 1999—Project/Object at The Khyber—Phila.PA
Sun Oct 31, 1999—Project/Object at Court Tavern—New Brunswick NJ
Tue Nov 2, 1999—Project/Object at Iron Horse, Northampton MA
Wed Nov 3, 1999—Project/Object at Harper's Ferry—Boston MA
Thu Nov 4, 1999—Project/Object at MT Muggs—Saratoga NY
Fri Nov 5, 1999—Project/Object at Nietzsche's—Buffalo NY
Sat Nov 6, 1999—Project/Object at Lion's Den— NYC
Feb. 7th, 1998 - IZ at The Pompton Pub, Pompton Lakes NJ
(KB'S REVIEW aka Kristin Bruno)
"A revue fer the fans straight from the computewhore of the hag himself
but from a whole other set of hands. February the seventh 1998 brought
us all to the lovely Pompton Pub in scenic New Jwerzee. Ahhh, a lovely
spot and a lovely night for a showeeo. The boyz had a stellar night,
their shit was tight and they were excited and rarin to play. A veritable
classics night - Meat, Yo-yo's, Bonkin away in Blue Suits. Highlights you
ask? Everybody Nobody is always a rockin tune, all about the muzack and
the muzack was rippin last nite. Guitar was beefed up fer the occasion
as carlito was strapped into his gibson and wailin with the hag. Heard
quite a few tunes normally missin from the setlist - Wedding song, Hermp,
the Ode to Winston, Pop Muzack and Shout, a golden oldie that has been
IZified. Drop-D - a longtime favorite that was m.i.a. fer quite a while -
objectionable lyrics? From my vantage point near the stage, the
crowd seemed to be havin quite a good time. Heads were bobbin and
some booties were shakin'. A vantage point near to the stage also
told me that the boyz in the band were havin a very good time. One of
the best things about this band named IZ is the fact that they are
always enjoying themselves as they rock us. Dancin around, bobbin
their heads, I have seen very few shows where they were not havin as
much fun - sometimes more- than their audience. And, needless to say,
they just keep on gettin better.
Saturday March 27, 1998 - IZ at The Pompton Pub, Pompton Lakes NJ
"March Madness in Pompton Lakes - Alien Rockers take over the Pompton Pub." (Review by DadHag aka Joe Mangano - Robbie's father)
"They came from surrounding states to see these rockers who were started out wears back in Wayne, NJ, Sharpened their act in NYC, the village, and the bowery clubs and returned to rock New Jersey again.
IZ played to a full house at their third appearance in Pompton Lakes, NJ. The show, Saturday 3/27, started about 10:30 and rocked to 1:40 with only a 20 minute band break. The weather was warm, the room was hot, and the band was hotter.
The first set built the energy level so high that there was no standing room left. Anyone who was seated - had to get up to BOP with the IZ fans till midnite.
The fans came from NYC, Conn., Central Jersey, and of course Wayne and all of North Jersey. The folks that run the Pub were really pleased with the band, the crowd and the money. With free admission, 2 dollar pints and a band that rocks till the last call, Iz and the Pub gave the best entertainment value around.
That twenty minute break recharged their energy and the whole place was just as charged as the band did new and olds, covers of Zep and Zap, and put on a show that started a mini mosh. Carl was at his absolute maniacal, wildest, psychotic best. Davie was drummin in a pool of sweat and half naked as they sequed through the set. Robbie and George did a Psycho stunt when the put their heads together and did an improvise duet through a wild solo that blew away all the guitar players in the house.
If you want to hear this band at its very best and see a fun show get out to the next Pompton Pub blast on April 17th. You got to be there."
October 31, 1998 (Halloween)
in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York
(in an Empty Artist Loft)
(REVIEW BY EXPLORA - aka Laura Wilson)
"So we show up at Kienyo's new loft space at about 7 to start setting up. Murals are being painted on walls and James, our host for the evening is painting a 20 foot ceramic worm for the ceiling. Things really got kicking at about 11 while Seahag and Cowhack were warming up the crowd with a little IZ inspoomental. Soon the Chicko joined in and we poor folk were treated to a completely unique and rocking set of instrumental IZ (we missed you though dave) and even a cover of Zappa's "More Trouble Every Day" and Prince "Kiss"
Friday the 13, November 1998
IZ at Caskey's Tavern, Ridgewood, Queens, NY (Charlyn and Davey's Birthday)
Oh, that swanky jiggy couple we know as Davey and Charlyn celebrated their birthdays (only one day apart) at the bar they live above: a good-ole, beer drinkin', scotch-on-ice slurpin' cavern called Caskey's that boasts, Fine Spirits, Fine Wines, Fine Friends. Not to set this up as a klee-shay but how true that slogan was on friday the 13th. This may have been our skankest show ever since we covered songs like Pour Some Sugar on Me (drums played with only one of G-Leppy's arms), I'll Be There for You (Bongiovi), 18 and Life (Skid Row), and Nicole (by Ween). We played two sets with a lot of covers in there. What could I say but a good time i'twas...a jolly, good time. After the band packed up and left, the party kept on a drinking, smoking, and eating chips and salsa. The evening ended really late with about 10 friends walking the streets looking for items stolen from Seahag and Explaura's 1985 Jetta (some assholes broke into our car). On a better note: Most of the precious and sentimental stuff was found on the street the next day by two urban elves.
Fri. Dec. 4, 1998 - IZ at Court Tavern opening for Project Object. New Brunswick, NJ - FZ's Birthday Bash
Me and Carl Restivo sat in with Project / Object on a song or two. We did "I Don't Even Care" with Elliot Passantino on vocals, and we probably did our usual Zappa covers "She Painted Up Her Face Suite" (with our own instrumental interludes), and probably did our cover of "Magic Fingers"
November 5th, 1997 - IZ at the Elbow Room, NYC
(Review by Dopey aka David Richards)
"Being a long time IZ fan I was thrilled to hear that my boys were
playing a show at the New Music Cafe on a night that I could go. Between
the show anouncement and the actual date, the time and venue were changed,
but I was still able to go, yeeee!
As I arrived a little early, I was not suprised to find out that
they would be going on a lot later than the 11:45 planned show time. That
just gave me more time to hang with the band members, and make a quick
stop at the Triumph Diner for a bite to eat.
During my time with the band, Carl mentioned that he was a bit
tired. This made me concerned that this would be a low energy show like
Bon Jovi Unplugged and not the high octane show like any given GWAR show
(or even as upbeat as a Spice Girls show). Before I could find out, I was
urged to catch the set by the Lone Wolves. I thought they played a great
set, the vocals weren't loud enough to understand much, but they were nice
and tight. I would recommend seeing them especially if it is at a place
were the vocal could be heard better.
About then I got destracted by the Mrs. Pac-Man located there at
the Elbow Room. It turned out to be a tournoment edition rip off game and
I advise to stay far away from it because it SUCKS.
Finally, IZ took the stage. I was at first impressed with Dave's
new drum kit. I wondered for a few moments if it would spin and flip like
Tommy Lee's, but who am I kidding. They started the set with energy and
never quit. Robbie's guitar playing was amazing as usual. George was
playing bass with a vengance and was playing off of Carl's energy. Dave
was rockin' out on the new kit and seemed as comfortable in it as in the
old one. Carl didn't seem tired anymore as he jumped across the stage and
even pulled out a few David Coverdale moves with the mic stand. They all
played as tight as ever.
They played a bunch of favorites and even a few new ones. The
crowd loved PB&J, during which they all let loose and went wild. Drop D
was another high part with Carl dancing aroung to the circus interlude in
the middle of the song. At one point they even slowed it down with the
Winston Song. Missing from the set were most of the older songs that I've
grown used to hearing, but the new songs more than enough to make up for
it. Cookies and Chocolate, along with a new song that was very dancable,
were amazing. The jam was great and Carl even left the stage so not to
steal the spotlight from Robbie, George, and Dave.
All in all, the show was great, the Elbow Room sucked ($4.00
bottles of Bud?), and the band is different without Adriano, but a good
different. I would recommend seeing them next time they play because I
haven't been disappointed yet. Yeeeeeeeeeeee!"